You can watch this here:
The ongoing planetary destruction by rapacious corporations has to stop, otherwise there will be no habitat left for humans or anything else.
There are some parts of the world where it is very bad already, with all kinds of death, sickness and diseases being caused. Don't let that happen even worse here.
The idiotic Pend Oreille County proposal for a silicon smelter in Usk, Washington is yet another example of corporate greed and stupidity being foisted upon the unsuspecting residents of Pend Oreille county. Canada already severely pollutes in own back yard, why should Washington allow any of this crap here?
Disobedience can be a very powerful message, which is what I'm hoping some readers will take away from the video. However, it may still not be enough. Resistance to county officials who are planning on destroying Pend Oreille county would be a good place to start. Obstruct everything that they are trying to do.
Don't forget the November 8, 2016 election either. Don't vote for these bastards. Ask them directly if they support the smelter proposal. Examine their past commentary because politicians generally lie to gain or stay in office. Only support those running for office that have exhibited a track record of putting residents and quality of life here first.
Frankly, I like the idea of disobedience taken to a higher degree. No cooperation at any level. Don't sell them anything in your stores, don't allow their commerce or their dollars into your businesses or homes. Shun them as neighbors because neighborly they are not. They are proposing to destroy the air, water, soil and health of the Pend Oreille river corridor. Should things go horribly wrong (chemical spill or release for example), they will be responsible for the deaths of many of your neighbors - maybe even you or your children.
The time to stop them is right now. Don't look the other way. Don't assume anything because greed is what runs this country and this county. We've already seen countless examples of ethics violations here and a rampant indifference to county residents. The promise of an increased tax base is an horribly unfair exchange for a healthy future for county residents.
Nobody wants to breathe even more polluted air year-round, the Newsprint in Usk already emits tons of toxic emissions into the atmosphere and cancer is increasing here. Don't let these blithering idiots make it even worse. I cannot respect "officials" who would be so stupid as to trade our quality of life here for filthy lucre. This has already happened all over the country and it cannot be allowed to happen here. They do not deserve my respect because they have exhibited a careless and callous disregard for residents already.