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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The False Narrative - How Pend Oreille County and Washington State Actually Operates

The False Narrative

We are all aware that HiTest Sands, Inc., will be seeking permits and approvals for operation of a silicon smelter above the town of Newport Washington, immediately adjacent to the Idaho state border and town of Oldtown.

Pend Oreille and Bonner County residents and businesses have been encouraged by officials to simply relax their significant concerns about silicon smelting over their town, and rely upon (and trust) this process and the expertise involved. We’ve also been assured by the same deceptive County individuals that this is going to present a fair outcome for all.

It probably won’t.

The implied assumptions within their statements is that the approval process actually works as it should, and will be just, fair, honest and accurate, through a series of methodical steps, with the outcome (results) determining whether or not the silicon smelter plant can operate in Pend Oreille County.

Although “safety” is also implied by every step of the approval process, it is by no means a guarantee for residents, since nobody can predict the future, accidents can and do happen at any time. Nothing is actually guaranteed as you will see.

The approval process itself is actually flawed, because by design, it is intended to grant permission provided enough information is submitted and promises are made. This includes the design, operation, safety, disposal and measurements which are supposed to be made, during the construction, operation and maintenance of the plant. We already know that this won't happen, because this very industry is plagued with problems.

In other words, with enough effort and input on paper, the silicon smelter is coming to town, by design. By intention. By the very "process" which we are supposed to trust to actually represent us and our interests and not some foreign corporation's interest or pet State official.

And it's coming to town by the unwavering illogical support of our elected officials even before the process receives formal approvals - and all this is being done without the approval or desire of the people that live here.

This is the “False Narrative”, the story by which HiTest will proceed through the permitting process at each step, with an outcome of most likely achieving permission and approval to operate the silicon smelter in Newport. It is the narrative they fully expect already as evidenced by the amount of money, time and effort they have already expended so far (and will expend much more).

It is also the very same narrative by which local Pend Oreille County officials operate and expect, which is why they have so willingly prostituted themselves to see HiTest succeed in this endeavor. And is is the narrative that Washington State officials are also operating under and expect.

But it is not the narrative we want or expect at all. In fact, it is a false and phony narrative, a story without a happy ending for any of us. We did not write it, we did not even expect it, but they have foisted this horror story on us all. We hardly dare turn the page to discover how it all ends, but we must now, because we have absolutely no choice. They did this to us. We have to deal with this horror.

I take issue with this false narrative, the story they have promoted and desired, because it presumes much more early on then it actually should.

We all know by now that County officials have not made a single objection to HiTest and their plans. It’s as if they are actually working for HiTest now, which does indeed appear to be the case. And we also know that several Washington State officials (at least) are also working arm-in-arm with HiTest to ensure their success too. Somehow, the Washington voters were completely left out of this narrative they crafted. The voters were given no voice, no opportunity, no rights-of-rejection and no vote to determine whether or not we the people wanted this smelter. Here or anywhere else in our state.

A fair and honest democracy dictates that governments at all levels, city, county and state, operate on the basic principle that they are serving the people in accordance with their desires, needs and wishes, which for those opposed to the smelter here, did not happen. It’s also not even being allowed to happen.

So if it is not already obvious - what kind of a government are we now living under?

So far, elected officials have heard our concerns and complaints, the risks to human and environmental health, how it will affect our lives, tourism, property prices and on and on, but they have steadfastly refused to give the people of Pend Oreille County and Washington State the democratic right to vote on the smelter. They’ve already decided that our voices do not matter.

They did the same to the good people of Bonner County, Idaho, who were not even notified about the smelter on their State line either. They too rightly demand a voice on whether or not this is desired by their local residents and they have unwaveringly said what we have said - hell no.

Like us, their voices are also being ignored. This is a multi-state monstrosity that will impact both Counties and both States. And wouldn’t you know - that was also by design in their false narrative. This is an intentional act on their part, because it provides for looser environmental restrictions and prohibitions on traffic, air quality and impacts in Idaho.

And we’re supposed to just sit here and accept that too.

This is not democracy. This is dictating what will and will not be done in our counties and our towns.

We are now being increasingly reminded that we should just accept the “process” by which County and State agencies will review the project, with the unspoken but implied assumption that we have to accept those results, meekly, quietly and without protests - when we were never given any voice! We’ve even been told to protest this now (already) is “misguided” when we already know more about the actual processes involved then they seem to know.

We know why we must first protest - not only because they are still not listening, but because we are fighting for our lives here and the future of our children.

No public official has even acknowledged the health and safety concerns that have been identified and raised. They continue as ever, to ignore evidence, facts, medical data and case history of existing silicon smelting plants. By all appearances, they already have their minds made up - and this very attitude exposes their false narrative and the predetermined outcome that they are insisting upon.

What kind of influence will these politicians and officials actually have on the actual permitting process? Are we to assume that fairness, honesty, transparency and accuracy will finally be followed - when it has NOT been followed to date? Why should anyone actually trust these people at this point, or their "recommendations", or their "appointees", or their "committees" when it is now so very clear that they have betrayed their oaths of office and the public trust? 

Where is the Attorney General of Washington State on this matter and why hasn’t this come to their attention?

If you are like me, you will swiftly realize that there is a major false narrative in play here - a story by which we are supposed to be lulled asleep and meekly accept the results they clearly want.

That’s part of it - but there’s more, so please read. You, I and everyone else is also expected to play by their rules within this false narrative as dutiful good citizens. That too is the democracy that we live in, everybody is expected to play by the same rules. But what if they don’t and haven’t? What if they have already cheated as it were on those rules? Would that then negate the expectations and allowance of citizens to also re-examine the rules by which we are all bound?

This has already happened. We are uncovering more, but their Preliminary Air Quality Report shows that they are cheating on the air quality data. The County officials are also cheating by directly opposing the Kalispel Tribe Class 1 Air Quality request, a sovereign nation and which by my estimation, they have absolutely no right whatsoever to do (legality needs to be examined).

They’re doing this because the Tribe poses a real threat to their industrialization plans for this area - and so far, has been the only real threat to these horrible people.

This has been clearly document here. It is a fact.

There will be more uncovered - there always is in cases like this. We need to follow the money. We need to find out just who has sold us out and why. I found something of interest that I will quickly pass on - Secure Rural Schools funding that may be applicable (or not). The County and State officials intend to increase commercial receipt revenue significantly, part of which is allegedly supposed to fund the defunct federal SRS program.

It is highly doubtful that Washington State and County officials even realize the hornets nest they have kicked over in their stupid stumbling about and gross dereliction of duty. Angry hornets aren’t anything to mess with. They fight back.

We need to writing our own story and our own history on how this will play out. They have already rigged the game against us. But the ending to this story isn’t fact yet, and it is entirely up to us to change it.

As you think about this false narrative that they have fabricated for us all, start thinking outside of the box and how we may need to function as a political body, as independent but concerned citizens, as fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, as active citizens against this tyranny being imposed upon our community by traitors of the public trust.

We are fighting for our lives here and the life of our town and the surrounding community. If we allow HiTest to industrialize this town, it will be forever ruined and destroyed as a good, safe place to live. THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE will be affected. We simply cannot let this happen, under any circumstances.

Write your own story - get involved. Stand up. Fight back. Do it now.

Happy Halloween Horrors - Please Share Far and Wide!

Hello readers - my name is John Q. Public, and as a concerned citizen of this community, I feel the urgent need to share with you what is now unfolding in our town. Please share this message as widely as you can.

I have been a resident here for the past 14 years, choosing this quiet and peaceful and beautiful place to live as an ideal location to raise my family, and enjoy the great outdoors, all the while knowing that this is really one of the best places in the world to live.

However, I am now horrified to learn that there are community leaders and politicians, elected officials who have been conspiring behind our backs to turn this pristine area into a toxic waste dump. Their justifications for doing this have stunned and startled me deeply, and I have been going through all 5 stages of grief as I try to cope with this horrible news.

I am shocked, saddened, angered and agitated beyond words. Depression and despair have also happened, but I realized that I could not stay silent, I could not allow any of this to happen.

At stake is my own family - and your family, and an entire community of families in Washington and Idaho, who are now being placed at risk by short-sighted, ill-advised and illogical politicians and community leaders bereft of reason and common sense, who have actively conspired behind the backs of every citizen in this area to bring about this toxic silicon smelter project to our town. You can find the evidence yourselves, it is all published online for all to see.

These same people have weakly assured us that they are going to follow safe practices and procedures during the operation of the silicon plant, but these empty promises do not explain the gigantic twin smokestacks that will be built, towering over the town of Newport!

What could they possibly be for? Are they there for our enjoyment and pleasure? Or do they serve some other nefarious purposes of which we have not been fully informed?

The published literature on silicon smelter emissions will reveal the horrible truth - the gigantic smokestacks are used to disperse the emissions, gasses and dust created by the metallurgical smelting operation.

Because they are to be sited immediately over the town of Newport, this means that they will be dumping the toxins directly into the environment over the town, which will in turn be spread throughout the region and every other nearby town by wind, rain, and snow.

During our frequent inversion episodes where the air quality greatly diminishes, and when there are forest fires in our area, we can expect extremely hazardous air conditions unfit for human and plant health. The air will also stink from the sulfur dioxide emissions while invisibly spreading tiny particulate matter poison throughout the region.

These are the “benefits” of silicon smelting that they have completely refused to talk about. So far, they have simply insisted that the economic benefits alone will outweigh any issues that may arise.

What benefits? The smelter will locally employ no more then 40 or fewer actual positions, with the rest going to skilled and trained outsiders coming into the area. The total number of positions is expected to be 125 - 150 employed persons, but you must weigh this all out in exchange for the declining health and disease caused over a town of at least 5000 people in the immediate vicinity - including the elderly, young children and babies and pregnant woman who will also be exposed to these toxins - 24/7, because the smelter will be running 3 shifts, day and night, non-stop.

Is it even remotely reasonable, or even economically balanced, to trade the lives, health, happiness and enjoyment of thousands of resident for a handful of promised jobs? The very notion is absurd, it is completely beyond all reason and sound thinking. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and yet, Washington leaders at the State and County level continue to press ahead, despite our extreme concerns, totally ignoring our voices.

We will be living under this cloud of emissions for every day of our lives here. Many of these emissions are invisible to the human eye, undetectable except for their taste and smell, yet they are still there, exercising their deadly poison on our health, shortening our lives and promising many of us a slow, agonizing death later in life.

Our esteemed leaders have had virtually no explanations to offer the residents of this community what health risks, long term exposure and levels of disease we might expect from the sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide exposure. These gasses will be put directly into the air over our town, over our schools, over our businesses, over our homes and will easily find its way into the lungs, eyes, ears and throats of every citizen in the area.

It is also quite clear to those who have bothered to research this as we have, that they have no idea whatsoever what microsilica dust actually IS, or the clear danger it poses to human health, plants, trees, fish and wildlife.

This is the dust that will be emitted by the silicon plant, affecting workers and employees, their clothes, their families and their children. It is the same dust that will be emitted by the tons into the atmosphere and throughout the region, you will find this dangerous dust in your eyes, ears, nose, throat and lungs where it will bury itself there for a entire lifetime - or whatever is now left of it. It cannot be removed. It cannot be cured. You are now literally infected - for life.

This is the dust that causes silicosis, a deadly, totally incurable disease that will leave you dying a slow, miserable, gasping death. There are other diseases of immense concern too, caused by this dust and gasses being emitted, these include cancer, and Chronic Pulmonary Disease.

Smelters are dangerous. To workers, to managers, to truck drivers, to neighborhoods and to towns. They affect wildlife, fish, air quality, water quality and forests. We can expect more tree mortality, more forest fires, acidification of our waterways and lakes, all thanks to this monstrosity coming to town, and all thanks to our local and State government leaders who brought this terror upon us without or permission, without our consent. It’s a real Halloween Horror Show.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Kalispel Tribe Rejects Invitation "Offer" from Pend Oreille County Commissioners

Kalispel Tribe Rejects Invitation "Offer" from Pend Oreille County Commissioners

Everyone should be carefully studying the shenanigans going on with our County Commissioners. I've seen enough to know that Steve Kiss, Karen Skoog and Mike Manus are directly involved and supporting the smelter development. You can read their crimes activities here.

In early October, 2017 the Kalispel Tribe was invited to participate in a "HiTest Executive Committee" scheme devised by the Commissioners. The Tribe saw through this immediately.

This is their response: (link here - http://pendoreilleco.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Kalispel-HiTest-Exec-Comm-Invitiation-Reply.pdf)

Copy of the letter is below (bolded emphasis is mine):
Thank you for the invitation to serve on the HiTest Executive Committee and for recognizing the Kalispel Tribe as a sovereign nation and valued community partner. The Tribe is committed to working with you and other community leaders to evaluate the potential risks and benefits of the proposed smelter; however, it would be premature for us to serve on a committee whose stated objective is to support an industrial development we know next to nothing about. The Tribe has done a considerable amount of research on existing silicon smelter and has yet to identify one that does not generate substantial amount of air pollution. We feel the burden is on HiTest to earn the community’s support by providing data that proves the smelter will provided good jobs without compromising the air and natural resources that are central to our way of life.

If we have misunderstood the objective of the Executive Committee, please let me know. The Tribe is willing to appoint a Council member to sit on the Executive Committee if other Committee members are willing to reserve their support for the the smelter until HiTest proves that it belongs in our community.

Glen Nenema
Chairman, Kalispel Tribe of Indians
Now that is a fantastic letter. The Kalispel Tribe has indeed done considerable research, and has reviewed the Preliminary Air Quality Report contracted out by HiTest that proves they fudged the data, and misrepresented numerous critical facts.

The Tribe is clear on what we must all remember - Pend Oreille County Commissioners have totally failed to represent a fair, unbiased, uncompromising perspective regarding the hazards and dangers of a silicon smelter over the town of Newport and the surrounding region.

The Kalispel Tribe's support for a healthy, safe community is admirable. They've been fighting not only for their nation, but for ours too. And we should thank them for their continued efforts.

You also need to know this fact - Pend Oreille County Commissioners have tried to sabotage the Tribe's request for Class 1 Air Quality designation:
There is no merit in the request for the air quality redesignation. A new classification may discourage companies from bringing their business to Pend Oreille County. We ask that you consider the adverse effects of this designation could bring to our county as well as bordering counties.
All three Commissioners are colluding against the Tribe. Moreover, there is no merit to the constantly claimed "net environmental benefit" which has totally failed to consider the full environmental and health impacts, the actual amount of pollutants emitted, the life cycle carbon footprint of silicon processing and the further full effects upon the environment and human health by the required additional processing into silicon chips suitable for solar panels.

This is not a “green” industry in the slightest - silicon and solar panel processing is extremely pollutive and causing enormous environmental damage with a large carbon footprint when correctly measured. There is no net environmental benefit - which means that the "threshold" required of HiTest Sands, Inc., was really never met and therefore, invalid as a qualified company to meet the Project of Statewide Significance requirements. The only way to demonstrate a "net benefit" is to selectively choose what is measured, which is exactly what happened.

The whole silicon scam being foisted on Pend Oreille County and how it came to even be is based on endless lies and deceptions, County collusion with a foreign corporation, Washington State officials ineptitude and incompetence and more then a little "grease" in the form of grants, public money, and cheap electricity promises.

The "HiTest Executive Committee" is a joke (already) and will be staffed with smelter supporters who fully intend to come to the pre-determined conclusions already set - build the damn thing and poison the town. Don't fall for it.

Pend Oreille County officials are continuing to proceed without honesty, integrity, or disclosure - despite the facts. It's time for a recall - on ALL THREE COMMISSIONERS - NOW.

Pend Oreille County Commissioner Invites HiTest, Inc. to Pend Oreille County - some case history

For the many of you who have not yet seen this, this is a prime example of how Pend Oreille County Commissioner Mike Manus got down on his knees and provided his personal brand of supplication to HiTest -

Pend Oreille County Commissioner Invites HiTest, Inc. to Pend Oreille County

Also endorsed by the Pend Oreille County Economic Development Council (POEDC) and Public Utility District (PUD).

Apparently Manus forgot the most important line of all - With tremendous opportunity also comes tremendous responsibility and accountability.

And there never was any "meaningful public involvement", these traitors instead chose to shove this monstrosity down our throat.

It is very clear that their early support for this did not bother to include the public, our concerns or outright rejection of this project by the vast majority of Washington and Idaho residents.

We do not have the representation we require and need in the County, or within the PUD or the Economic Council. They sold us all out.

Scoping questions – Part I

Here are some "Scoping Questions" - check back for email address updates on where you can send your own scoping questions to Washington State officials.

There will be many more questions to demand answers to since this doesn't even begin to cover all the issues of serious concern to all residents and businesses in the region.

Scoping questions – Part I

1. Material Safety Data sheets are required for the transportation, storage, handling, processing and emergency safety measures of all reductants, chemicals, and materials used. When will we see these required documents for all the required materials?

These are required for the transport of dangerous materials and for occupational safety. All hazardous material are supposed to be listed, including their transportation, storage, handling, emergency procedures, and critically important, their short term and long term exposure and health risks.

2. List all of the details of the processes and procedures to be used at the processing plant and the chemical intermediates generated in the processing that are likely to leak into the general environment.

3. Specify exactly how the silicon dioxide and nitrous oxide produced by the plant will be eliminated from the plant, chimney stacks and the surrounding environment. How will they be eliminated?

4. What chemicals, compounds, gasses, materials, and fluids of all types will be used by the plant? What procedures will be followed for their safe handling, processing, use, storage and disposal?

5. How much silica dust (also called microsilica) will be produced by the plant operation, transportation routes used by trucks or by train, and how will this be kept out of the environment?

6. How much particulate matter (PM) and at what size in microns will the plant produce?

7. What is the chemical makeup and health hazards (human and environmental health) of all the plant emissions, wastes, and byproducts?  What health hazards to humans and wildlife do these each pose?

8. How will this affect the local population and in what way? Will there be any expected effects, levels of toxicity, dangers or hazards from any of the materials, gasses, compounds or chemicals used or emitted by the plant?

9. What diseases can we expect to occur as a result of the siting of the plant immediately above the town of Newport, its schools, churches, businesses and homes?

10. What is the air dispersal rate of all the airborne emissions, chemicals, compounds and gasses that will be emitted from the plant, and at what density?

11. Will the plant be shut down during the frequent inversion layers that affects the Newport area, affecting air quality? Or during fire season when the region or area is experience reduced air quality? What happens when the plant emissions are contributing to this inversion situation? Will the air quality index (AQI) exceed “Good” (0-50)? And for how long will this last?

12. What are the short-term and long-term health effects to the residents affected by “Moderate” (51-100), “Unsafe For Sensitive Groups” (101-150), “Unhealthy” (151-200), “Very Unhealthy” (201-300), “Hazardous” (301-500) air quality? These are the levels defined on the EPA website - https://cfpub.epa.gov/airnow/index.cfm?action=airnow.local_city&zipcode=99009&submit=Go
13. What illness, sickness, disease, debilitation's or issues will arise from any decline in air quality? How long will these last?

14. What will be the costs and impacts on medical care, local and regional medical facilities from a rise in health-related issues?

15. What funding, expectations and preparations are being made for the additional health need for local and regional area residents, workers, temporary residents (tourists and others for short stays)?

16. What processes, procedures and methods will be followed to ensure safe air quality is maintained at all times for the immediate and regional area surrounding the plant out to 350 miles?

17. What equipment will be used, installed, and properly inspected and maintained to measure air quality? How often will this data be made to the public and where will we be able to find this information?

18. Will independent air sampling be performed by an independent contractor or agency non-affiliated with HiTest, Inc., or Pend Oreille County or Washington State or the State of Idaho to provide, measure and maintain air quality measurements? Will this information be also made public and at what frequency can we expect this?

19. What declines in water quality, including acidification can be expected?

20. What will happen to the existing fish stocks and at what levels will they be impacted?

21. What toxicity and water acidification can be tolerated by local fish and aquatic wildlife from plant emissions and waste, before there is a measurable impact upon each species health, their decline in expected lifespan, and population numbers?

22. Will a population count be performed for any of the wildlife, to include aquatic species before construction of the smelter? If not, why not?

23. Has the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game been consulted with the appropriate environmental experts on the possible impacts and health effects, both short term and long term on wildlife species?

24. The HiTest, Inc. plant will trigger the Application for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Air Permit, which includes regulation for special protections of air quality and air quality related values (AQRV) at potentially affected nearby Class 1 areas. Assessment of the potential impact to visibility (regional haze analysis) is required if the source is located within 300 km of a Class I area. An evaluation may also be requested if the source’s emissions are of sufficient size.
What Class I areas are found within the 300 km limit, and will the appropriate analysis and review be conducted?

25. Has the USDA Forest Service (USFS) been consulted for their environmental input and expectations of a smelter operation operating immediately adjacent to National Forests?

26. What reviews, reports, results and comments has the USFS provided to State (WA and ID) officials, agencies and personnel regarding the siting and environment impacts? Will these reviews, reports, results and comments be made available to the public and when?

27. What is their assessment of tree mortality and health, soil acidification and the affect upon fire mitigation and risks?

28. Will the region and local areas experience an increase in tree mortality and at what rate, quantity and percentage will this be experienced?

29. Will the region and local areas experience an increase in fire hazards due to declining forests resulting from emissions and activity from the plant and at what levels are these expected? What is the projected financial costs to the public and State and Federal government?

30. Has the Washington State Conservation Commission reviewed the proposed HiTest project, and have the provided their opinions and comments and assessments to Washington State, Pend Oreille County and the public? If not, why not?

31. Have all appropriate soil health agencies, groups, organizations and committees been properly notified and given ample opportunity and time to assess, review and comment on the proposed HiTest smelter? Who are they, and what are their assessments and findings? Where can this information be found and made available to the public? If they have not all been notified and provided ample opportunity to provide their expertise and input, why not?

32. What investigations have begun into the possible stock holdings of all public officials within Washington State in HiTest Inc., and any subsidiaries or parent companies (such as Dow Corning). If this has not been undertaken yet, why not? What conflicts of interest do any Washington officials have regarding the smelter and HiTest and how do they expect to benefit?

33. According to the Senate Bill report SB5515, the HiTest Plant expects to purchase 100,000 tons of wood chips per year. These wood chips are of special size and are unique to metallurgical processing as follows:

The form of wood best suited for electric smelting is the metallurgical or met chip. The met chip is several times larger than the more familiar pulp chip (fig. 2). These chips are produced by specially built metallurgical chippers designed for big loads and for cutting large chips.

The demand for met chips at any one plant, though relatively constant from year to year, can vary as much as 600 percent from month to month. This fluctuation is caused by changes in the production schedule.

Each alloy requires a different amount of met chips per unit of production; so any change in the type of alloy being produced is likely to cause up to a sixfold change in the amount of wood needed.
A large inventory is necessary to balance out the changing levels of supply and demand. At the plants in the study area, enough material is maintained to enable unhampered smelting for 2 weeks to 2 months. A large inventory is necessary to balance out the changing levels of supply and demand.
At the plants in the study area, enough material is maintained to enable unhampered smelting for 2 weeks to 2 months. Silicon alloys, which consume the greatest volume of met chips per unit of production, are used by the rapidly growing aluminum and silicone industries.

This raises numerous questions and issues regarding transportation, storage, handling, fire suppression, dust and environmental hazards for the processing and storage and use of wood chips.

  • How many tons of wood chips will be required per week at the HiTest plant?
  • How will they be transported in to the plant and in what form?
  • How will they be stored and processed at the plant?
  • Who will HiTest purchase these wood chips from?
  • What is the entire list of emissions we can expect from wood chip processing?
  • How much carbon will these wood chips emit into the atmosphere and at what rate per day?
  • How much carbon dioxide will these wood chips emit into the atmosphere and at what rate per day?
  • How will the wood chip waste be processed and handled?
  • How much traffic will be experienced in the immediate and surrounding areas as a result of wood chip processing, handling, waste disposal and transportation?
  • What processes and procedures will be in place for emergency fires suppression and equipment? 
  • Will this affect or impact in any way local fire services and at what amounts?
(end Part I)

Sunday, October 29, 2017

What Emissions Newport And The Surrounding Community Can Expect - Part 1

What Emissions Newport And The Surrounding Community Can Expect - Part 1

We must all remember that emissions are not harmless. Most being non-natural, they are toxic to both human, wildlife and fauna, affecting air quality, soil health and water quality. Their effects can last many decades or even longer. The common gas C02 can last in the atmosphere for centuries. Sulfur dioxide will only last about two years before being washed into the soil and water (causing serious issues with trees, plants and wildlife).

Smelters operate on a principle of "allowable emissions" and are generally sited where emissions will be far enough away from human habitation to disperse their daily dose of toxicity. There are two points to remember because they are important - a) they all emit toxic emissions; b) they are usually sited where there is limited human population.

The intended site of Newport, Washington for the silicon smelter places the smelter directly above the town of Newport and Old Town, Idaho (the site is on the State line). Immediately adjacent to the site is the Pend Oreille River Valley (northwest) and the long arm of Pend Oreille Lake (east). Downwind from the proposed site are numerous communities, including Usk, the Kalispel Reservation, Cusick, Ione, and Metaline Falls. Thousands of residents live throughout these areas alone. In fact, the majority of the Pend Oreille County population will be found in these towns.

The other downwind communities to the east are in Idaho, including Old Town, Priest River, Laclede and Sandpoint. Sandpoint is populated by thousands more and is the fastest growing town in Idaho. There are also many outlying areas nearby, Sagle, Cocollala, Athol, Spirit Lake and Blanchard. Back in Washington, there are many more residents that can be affected in Diamond Lake, Sacheen Lake, and Elk.

All of these communities are within wind dispersal patterns of the chosen smelter locations. Wind speed, direction and variability of this area does not preclude toxic emissions from entering into the homes, business and lungs of residents anywhere within these areas.

The complete disregard for the health, well-being and safety of both Pend Oreille and Bonner County residents has raised significant alarms throughout these communities and now borders on criminality. The number of potentially affected persons is over 60,000 total residents, with an even higher number when including the high levels of seasonal tourism that swells the population of these towns.

Keeping in mind that this is just two counties, which does not at all fully represent the total number of people who will be impacted. That would by necessity, need to include a far larger dispersal region of hundreds of miles, encompassing hundreds of thousands more people throughout a 350 mile circumference from the site location (chosen because of the air quality dispersion measurements being used).

The sheer number of potentially affected persons is extremely large, encompassing over 500,000 persons in this circumference, and may actually exceed 1 million persons (depending on size of circumference used). The actual square miles to be affected (soil, water, air quality) is also extremely large, 96,000 to 384,000 square miles (using 175 miles to 350 miles circumference for estimates, the same as the claimed "wind dispersion measurements").

Dispersal of emissions is dependent upon quantity, wind patterns, local weather effects (inversions), particulate size and other effects. So far, we have failed to see accurate data regarding the proposed emissions and we must turn to other sources for current estimates.

Silicon smelter supporters have consistently chosen to grossly underestimate the toxic emissions issues. Many have simply chosen to totally ignore the problem, as if it does not exist. But we know with absolute certainty that it does indeed exist and we can find some of the actual numbers we are looking for from other silicon smelter plants.

The Burnsville, Mississipi silicon smelter plant applied for a "Application for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Air Permit" which is exactly what HiTest will need to apply for. This type of permit is required by law because of excessive emissions.

Within this overall permit process, is The Best Available Control Technology Evaluation Process (BACT), a method by which industrial polluters will seek to gain approvals to construct and operate environmentally hazardous operations.

A careful analysis of this process reveals significant loopholes and allowances to ignore economically "infeasible" controls that are technologically challenging or cost-prohibitive. The BACT analysis does not provide for full protection of human or environmental health at all - rather, it finds a method by which permitting will be approved through established steps. This is accomplished through a series of steps and examinations of emissions and their estimate amounts, with special allowances provided for economically infeasible controls.

In other words - it's really a sham, a legalistic process required by law to give the appearance of only authorizing allegedly environmentally safe operations. In no way does this mean that emissions from smelters are eliminated or in some cases of emissions as you will see, even controlled at all. They are in fact still there and "approved" to specified limits allowed by the permit.

This has been noted elsewhere in the public literature, for example on the nitrous oxide emissions related to gas turbines:
"The BACT analysis associated with permitting a new electric generating unit is a technology assessment process that does not deal with the accuracy and reliability of emission measurements. Permit limits are then set as specific numbers with no error margin. There is the implicit assumption that the emission measurements can be made with no error and this is not the case. It is fair to say that the entire BACT analysis and permit limit setting process is seriously flawed with regards to low emitting sources equipped with CEMS. The process will lead to permit limits that the source has no probability of meeting on a continuous basis. In turn, there will be enforcement action and plenty of it." http://www.rmb-consulting.com/san/lownox.htm
Despite the appearance of officially recognized standards and approval methodology, the BACT has in fact allowed for numerous toxic industries to gain approvals, resulting in hundreds of millions of tons of emissions being dumped into the environment, affecting human health all over the country.

Yet even knowing this, let it be clear that this process still remains in effect, thereby disguising and saddling project like the proposed silicon smelter in Newport with its requirements and allowances.

Many residents and officials will be fooled "by the process" being undertaken, wrongly assuming that this must somehow be "safe", but they could not be more wrong. This is nothing more the a legalistic sham to authorize toxic industries to operate at assumed limits. It does not monitor those limits. It does not set safe standards for those limits. So far, in my research, there is a decided lack of monitoring taking place with a great many unknowns on exactly what is being dumped into the atmosphere (only a handful of emissions are actually being measured). But what we do know - and have documented, is scary enough.

So despite the process being followed - the end result is still the same as if no process was followed at all. Permits get approved anyway, communities suffer and people get sick and die.

This is why and how (partly) so many toxic industries have been "permitted" to flourish, even though they have had the appearance of "safety". There is much more to it then this, but this demonstrates why there are now over 420 chemical compounds found within every human being (anywhere on the planet). These have accumulated and accrued over time in our air, soil, water and food, many are carcinogenic and are now found throughout the entire food chain everywhere on the planet, resulting in numerous diseases and health problems and countless deaths number in the millions.

This isn't the entire explanation, but a short primer on how pollutive industries can gain authorization within the permit process under the illusion of safety - and why so many people are sick with debilitating disease and experience shortened lifespans and suffering.

The Burnsville silicon plant in Mississippi utilizes 4 submerged arc furnaces (SAF) (which is what is ultimately planned for Newport, starting with 2 SAF's), utilizing coal, wood, quartz and limestone (essentially identical to the Newport proposal). Emissions from the plant come from:

• Material handling and transfer to and from coal, wood and quartz storage piles;
• Storage yard for coal, wood and quartz storage piles;
• Raw material day bins to support the semi-enclosed submerged arc furnaces;
• Wood chipper;
• Casting frames;
• Raw material day bins with supporting baghouse(s);
• Four (4) semi-enclosed submerged arc furnaces (SAF) with four (4) baghouses;
• Four (4) natural gas-fired ladle pre-heaters
• Product refining operations with supporting baghouse(s).

The following plant-wide operations and activities will have the potential to emit regulated air pollutants:

• Tank farm;
• Fugitive emissions from roadways;
• Slag handling;
• Silica fume silos;
• Grinding, milling and handling;
• Facility-wide miscellaneous operations; and
• Emergency generator

Like Newport, they proposed a phased construction, 2 SAF and then 2 more SAF, for a total of 4. Burnsville proposed using a total of four 300 foot stacks (chimneys) at 15 feet in diameters each.

Using their own words:
"Collectively, these process areas will have the potential to emit major levels of regulated air pollutants and, therefore, will be subject to the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) regulations of the United States Environmental Protection Agency ( USEPA)" and State requirements.
Allegedly -
"Appropriate air pollutant emission controls/techniques to minimize potential emissions of regulated air pollutants, appropriate measurements, testing and recording of operational parameters will be performed to confirm that the plant’s major source levels of regulated air pollutant emissions are being achieved."

As you can see, the emissions expected were very significant, representing a huge increase in local area toxic emissions. But as it turns out, air emissions are not well regulated or measured.

Despite this large numbers, the Burnsville smelter claimed that "the plant will have no adverse impact on human health and welfare."

Earlier documentation of silicon smelter operations shows that these emissions are actually hazardous to human health and the larger environment, and despite the state-of-the art techniques and practices utilized, they continue to be released in significant quantities into the atmosphere.

Key "buzzwords" are used to attempt to describe how they will work, such as "reduce" (page 1-4), "control" and "filter" and "minimize", but at no time does it state that these toxic emissions are eliminated - because they are not.

They are in fact, dumped into the environment, and at levels that are hazardous to human health and the environment.

It has now been reported that HiTest has no intentions to regulate any of the emissions from the two giant chimney stacks proposed. This should deeply alarm everyone in the region.

End Part I

POEDC & Mike Manus Collusion

Apparently, Mike Manus, Pend Oreille County Commissioner District 2 "needs a little help"

At the Safeway in Newport, there is a notice from the Pend Oreille Economic Development Council (POEDC) regarding the proposed silicon smelter, along with some free handouts in a pocket attached to the bulletin board. Stuffed into the pockets were four campaign flyers for Mike Manus along with a pro-smelter publication.

You were far more likely to pull out the Manus promo flyer then you were to get anything regarding the actual smelter. Apparently, we're being encouraged to "keep the momentum" which if you understood what is going on, will put poison right over the town of Newport and the surrounding communities.

I'm not sure if this is illegal or not, perhaps someone should check up on this. There were two different campaign flyers for Manus (two each) in the pocket, alleging how great he's been for Pend Oreille County. They do say "Paid for by Mike Manus".

Does this count as ballot stuffing? Probably not... yet. But it is mighty interesting that the POEDC has "weighed in" with this method of endorsement. This is another group that needs to be seriously investigated. They've consistently failed to grasp the fundamental issues of this community and even why it exists, and have endorsed the silicon smelter themselves, apparently blindly. Or was it something else, like "economic opportunity" or new business opportunities?

This blog has received commentary from what is most likely POEDC members, who have consistently failed to grasp the hazardous health effects of putting a smelter right above our town. It is my opinion that this groups is stunningly lazy - or simply indifferent to what this really means for this town, which is even worse. If they can't do their jobs - why do they even exist?

Is it permissible for the POEDC to promote a particular politician?

By now - we should ALL be wondering why we do not seem to have any political opposition locally to the toxic smelter. 

Is this why HiTest has blazed on, already "knowing" that they have their assurances in their pockets? Why else would they have spent millions of dollars so far? Something has to explain that - since the zoning is illegal, the preliminary air quality report was fudged, and their statements to their stockholders, and the people of Pend Oreille County are dishonest and misleading.

They're definitely acting like this is a "done deal" and so are the officials of this county - WHY? Why when there is so much that is still required? Would YOU spend millions unless you were certain it was going to happen? Something is going on here.

Back here in lala land, it's as if all the county puppets have lined up, memorized their lines and rhetorically repeated all the gobbledygook nonsense that demonstrates just how incredibly uniformed and clueless they really are. Their lockstep march towards our destruction is reminiscent of the Brown Shirts who once dominated a bedazzled population which led to catastrophic disaster, costing countless lives.

There really is no excuse for any of this now. We really DO know more then they do at this point. And we've made it available to them just like it is to anyone - and yet they refuse to budge or acknowledge the facts, so what's really going on here? How many of these traitors are in this county?

In any case, it was Manus who betrayed his constituents within the County and recently angered a crowd in Diamond Lake with his angered commentary. Apparently, he does not think the public has any right to tell the Commissioners what we want for this county and has been making all the decisions for us (without telling us).

This might explain the complete lack of transparency and public disclosure on what's been going on behind our backs. There is indeed something very rotten going on here.

Well, it's time for a little housekeeping in Pend Oreille County... sign the recall petition, soon to come.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Newport Area Starts Dumping Houses On The Market

Newport and Old Town Area Starts Dumping Houses On The Market

Well, you were warned this would happen. There is already a rising glut of houses in the Newport area going onto the market. The increase appears to be significant.

Remax - new listings

Zillow - Zoom in to the map for the Newport area - already a large "cluster" of house in the vicinity of the proposed smelter on the market!

Zillow - Zoom in to the map for the Old Town, Idaho area

I've also seen brand new listings on Craigslist.

It's time this entire community got very, very angry at what Washington State, Pend Oreille County and HiTest, Inc., are doing to the good people of this entire community (which includes Old Town and the surrounding towns in Idaho). They have already disrupted the lives of hundreds, soon to be THOUSANDS of people with their asinine plan to destroy our quality of life, local environment and the living standards and health of thousands of people.

Individual homeowners are encouraged to seek legal actions against the State of Washington, Pend Oreille County and local officials that have precipitated this growing glut of homeowners fleeing the area. I suspect there is a possibility that Pend Oreille County will need to file bankruptcy if we get enough legal actions underway.

Their incredible short-sighted approach to betray the trust of the people of the Pend Oreille County borders on treason. Unfortunately, the death penalty does not apply here, but legal actions certainly do. Numerous violations have now been documented here and elsewhere.

It's hard to believe I'm sure - but NOBODY wants to live next to a smelter (of any type). Why public officials did not factor in this simple fact reveals just how utterly inept and incredibly stupid they really are.

Get informed - and take action!

Friday, October 27, 2017

More Betrayals By Pend Oreille Economic Development Council

More Betrayals By Pend Oreille Economic Development Council

As you might expect, the residents of Pend Oreille County (and Bonner County, ID) are being betrayed by dishonest misrepresentations by the Pend Oreille County Economic Development Council (POEDC).

They've just published a HiTest Silicon "Schedule" and did not even bother to mention the "Expedited Permitting" being sought after that we are all aware of. Both HiTest and Pend Oreille County have promoted this fact. They don't want you to know.

The POEDC also totally failed to mention that the selected site is zoned Residential and cannot be rezoned commercial without a public hearing (point 2a). This is a direct violation of "County development standards".

The other issue they totally failed to mention is point 4a, where they claim that -
A preliminary air quality analysis conducted by Hi Test several hundred miles around the site indicates that the facility will meet the national air quality standards.This includes areas such as Glacier National Park which is protected bythe highest standards in the country.
This is not even remotely true. The "analysis" referenced included gross misrepresentation of data and area, dishonest measurements and times, and the required special permitting due to excessive emissions exceeding normal allowable standards by a huge margin (see HiTest Silicon Smelter will produce at least 1400 TONS of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) per year! and Comments on Hi-Test Sand PSD Modeling Protocol Submitted by Kalispel Tribe of Indians (click links).

This analysis was rejected as fair, honest or accurate by the Kalispel Tribe - and rightly so, because if you read it for yourselves, you will discover what they reported - it's bogus. They have to start over.

It is impossible to claim that the POEDC is unaware of this rejection of the air quality analysis - they've simply chosen to ignore it.

Do you get the strong feeling that this is the very characteristic that has been behind this entire project proposal? I certainly do. Every "pro" smelter proponent is choosing to ignore the facts and just plow ahead - as if we do not have a choice (we do).

It is very clear the the POEDC does not even remotely represent the residents of Pend Oreille County and are doing an absolutely terrible job at informing the public of the real facts.

They are also lying about the former locations HiTest has tried - the Usk, WA location was abandoned due to strong resistance by the Kalispel Tribe. Next, Addy, WA was abandoned due to toxic cleanup requirements (contaminated soil) that HiTest did not want to clean up (which is what is planned for Newport), and they entirely failed to even mention the outright rejection in Golden, BC of this smelter by the residents there! Even Canada does not want this monstrosity!

Those are the FACTS and it is clear that the POEDC needs to be disbanded immediately. They are biased, pro-smelter, pro-toxins, pro-pollution, pro-traffic, pro-noise, pro-environmental hazards and are driving in the wrong direction for the development and improvement of this County.

I have not seen a single, honest, fair, unbiased and informed publication YET from the POEDC. It is apparently staffed with complete idiots who are taking their marching orders and simply regurgitating the lies and deceptions about smelting operations. So far - they have refused all attempts at education and have refused to even mention the environmental and human health hazards.

The risks of silicon smelting have been well-documented here and elsewhere - get the FACTS. The smelter is a toxic, environmental and human hazard that will have lasting effects on this entire region for many decades (at least 100 years). Don't let the POEDC misinform you!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Possible Lawsuits Against Newport Silicon Smelter Development and The Supporters

Possible Lawsuits Against Newport Silicon Smelter Development and The Supporters

These are not listed in any particular order. At least 14 possible lawsuits we can initiate against HiTest, Pend Oreille County, Washington State, Officials and Public Office holders. Each should be considered on its own merits, evidence, case history and facts as potential lawsuits against these groups.

a) Idaho and Washington Homeowners - suit against Pend Oreille County, Washington State, HiTest Inc. for the devaluation of property values because of smelter operations (or even proposed smelter operations, which will have the same effect on property devaluation). Homeowners will now be required to disclose known hazards whenever they intend to sell property, thereby affecting the decision of potential buyers. A Class Action suit is likely due to the large number of complaints and issues arising from this one.

b) Idaho and Washington Homeowners and Businesses - Lawsuit naming the hazardous chemicals and dust, air, soil and water quality degradation that will occur from smelting operations in this community against Pend Oreille County, Washington State and Environmental Health. A Class Action suit is likely due to the large number of complaints and issues.

c) Zoning violations - Lawsuit that the selected site is zoned non-commercial use, HiTest has already claimed to their stockholders that they are going to build there, yet no public hearing on rezoning has occurred. Suit is most likely against Pend Oreille County and Washington State, although there are other actors that could also be named.

d) Property Sale - Lawsuit against PUD and Pend Oreille County, from the special package offer to HiTest only to purchase bundled land with access at discounted pricing.

e) Public Utility District (PUD) - Lawsuit for discounted electricity rates being offered to HiTest, Inc. and not to other businesses or residents (unfair competition and advantage).

f) Expedited Permitting - Lawsuit against HiTest, Inc. and Pend Oreille County and Washington State and Environmental Health for failing to adhere to established environmental concerns and procedures, timelines and practices for proper reviews and assessments. Expedited permitting seeks to circumvent this process.

g) WAC 173-555 violation - Limited development permitted due to new water use and the Little Spokane River Instream Flow Rule. If water use will come from a new well, HiTest, Inc., Pend Oreille Country and Washington State can be sued for violation of these rules. The silicon smelter is Burnsville, MS uses 270,000 gallons of water per day - considerably higher then the claimed “8,000” gallons by HiTest, Inc. and Pend Oreille County officials.


h) Violations of Class 1 Clean Air - The Kalispel Tribe has already detailed potential violations of the Clean Air Act, any smeltering operations will exceed permissible levels allowed and trigger lawsuits against HiTest, Inc., Pend Oreille County and Washington State.

i) Pend Oreille Economic Development Council - Willful misrepresentation of claimed benefits, jobs, income, taxation and non-disclosure of known health hazards. Refusal to permit incoming competing businesses. Council members can be sued individually for their contributions to misleading public information and their participation on suppressing past economic development.

j) County Commissioners - Suit against misrepresentation, disinformation, failure to disclose, failure to inform, conflict of interest (Manus), secret negotiations, refusal during public meetings to provide adequate representation and gross incompetence in the discharge of duties to the public offices they hold. Idaho may want to jump on this one too.

k) Washington State Officials - This includes Governor Jay Inslee, Shelly Short and other public officials support for the silicon smelter at State levels. Suit misrepresentation, disinformation, failure to disclose, failure to inform, secret negotiations, refusal during public meetings to provide adequate representation and gross incompetence in the discharge of duties to the public offices they hold. Idaho may want to jump on this one too.

l) The Newport Miner - Failure to publish resistance to the smelter, protest letters to the editor, smelter facts, hazards and effects, biased reporting, conflict of interest, non-coverage of important developments and facts, and misrepresentations to the community.

m) All County Residents - Lawsuit against County Auditors state-wide (where applicable) for failure to provide mandated voter ballot drop boxes in every city and town (effective SSB5472 July, 2017), suppressing the vote. Pend Oreille County Auditor refused to comply.


n) Pend Oreille County Residents - Lawsuits against Pend Oreille County Commissioners and Public Officials for willful and intentional violation of Approved County Plans For Land Use (Pend Oreille County Comprehensive Plan - Resolution 2016-32). The 20-year plan signed and resolved in September 2016 does not contain any provisions for industrial development anywhere within Pend Oreille County.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Airborne Emissions from Si/FeSi Production - Must Read - Iceland's Experience

This is the best research material that I’ve seen yet on the actual emissions from silicon smeltering plant operations, utilizing the Sub-Arc Furnace (SAF) designs.

Airborne Emissions from Si/FeSi Production
direct link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11837-016-2149-x#Sec10

Unfortunately for everyone who is concerned, this report reveals that the toxic and dangerous emissions from a silicon plant are much, much worse then we have been told to expect. This is no exaggeration; you are strongly encouraged to read this research material yourselves.

Since this report is self-explanatory and technical in nature, I will present my summary findings first, further details and quotations can be found below.


As explained over 1 year ago on this blog – virtually all smelters are deadly, toxic and produce dangerous gasses, trace elements and emissions, including greenhouse gases, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, airborne particulate matter also known as dust, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals.

It is not just silica dust that causes silicosis and cancer to be concerned about, it is also the emissions that can (and do) escape from silicon plants into the surrounding environment. None are hazardous-free – not a single one.

The efficiency, design, operation, and handling of materials in the smelter operation is crucial for public and worker safety.

Not all plants are operated at 100% efficiency or safe handling, and even if they are, under the most optimistic scenario – they still produce documented emissions into the environment, which are released into the air, soil and water, thereby exposing humans, wildlife and fauna to their lasting and dangerous effects. These emissions include dioxins, heavy metals, gasses, dust (also called particular matter or PM) which are not all trapped at 100% by baggers, filters and scrubbers.

Plants do not always employ best-practices or technology either, due to cost considerations, available technology, operational skills and experience and accidents. Various studies of silicon smelter plants have been conducted by research experts, their findings clearly show that emissions and toxic chemicals, heavy metals and dioxins pose a environmental and human health hazard to workers and the public.

Both Washington and Idaho residents, County and State Officials have NOT been told the truth regarding these facts. You decide why – but what matters is what a silicon smelter plant actually represents to our region. They are dangerous in all forms, and they pose numerous immediate and long term hazards to human and environmental health.

What You Need To Know From The Research Report

Deadly dioxins are produced and then consumed by the high furnace temperatures, but that does not mean that they are always eliminated (chart shows dioxins still in existence with a semi-closed SAF with semi-continuous charging and off-gas temperatures >800°C @ 4%). Dioxins are among the worst known dangerous compounds known to mankind.

In addition, heavy metals are also produced – "Heavy metals enter the production process as trace elements in the raw materials and electrodes and are redistributed to metal, slag, fume and gas." Heavy metals are extremely toxic to human health and wildlife.

"Some of these metals are vaporized, such as Zn, Pb, Cd, Na, Mn and Fe go into the gas phase and may escape as metal vapor. When the off-gas temperature drops, the metal vapors are condensed and therefore often collected with the dust". So now they've just produced toxic dust.

Table VI shows just how much of these are elements are present in the air, metal and microsilica dust (based on 10 kilotons silicon produced yearly):

"Mercury constitutes a special case among the airborne heavy metal emissions as international legislation has long been stringent with respect to this metal. In silicon alloy plants, the particulate control devices (e.g., fabric filter or wet scrubber) capture the particle-bound mercury. The more volatile elemental mercury is emitted to the atmosphere if no further gas treatment is applied. Hg and Cd levels in the off-gas may be reduced by the use of bag filters with an adsorbent injection (such as activated carbon or lignite coke)"

“Emission estimates to air through the filter systems must cover both gaseous and particle-bound heavy metals, but a major challenge for the estimation is the low concentrations of these elements in the material flows. Mercury typically has detection limits (DL) given in units of parts per billion (ppb) whereas the other heavy metals have DL of the order of magnitude of parts per million (ppm). Hence, very significant measurement uncertainties are introduced and it is often impossible to “close” the material balance for individual elements. The total uncertainty for elements such as Co, Hg and Mo is often around or above 100%. These uncertainties may be lowered by continuous, on-line measurements after the filter systems, but such measurements are often practically challenging. Additionally, large uncertainties are also related to sampling and representability.

(This is why the "closed-loop" system they're promising is actually meaningless. First off, it's not entirely a closed loop by design. There are large uncertainties introduced and individual elements cannot always be captured. The emissions "estimates" they are providing are simply that - guesswork and empty promises. Give it 10 years and check the public health statistics - then we'll really "know" after a number of us are sick and dead).

Particulate emissions (PM) also pose a particular problem, relying upon filters, scrubbers and baggers to remove these particles (which also include what we call “dust”).

"Airborne PM is an important constituent in the diffuse emissions escaping the plants and may not only affect the air quality inside the plant but also in the local, urban communities as well as the environment at large. The PM may be harmful if inhaled and exposure to high levels of particles has been linked to cancer, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other respiratory and cardiovascular syndromes."

"Almost all processes involved in silicon alloy production produces PM in some form. In this article, the terms particulate matter and dust are used as synonyms and primarily used for solid particles. The term aerosol includes both liquid and solid particles and the term fume relates to thermally generated aerosols. Table VII provides an overview of the PM sources and a rough estimate of their relative importance to indoor air PM concentrations and to PM emissions from the plant."

"A typical metal yield of between 80% and 90% means that up to 10–20% of incoming Si-units in the furnace escape as fumed silica. Modern ventilation and filter systems have enabled efficient collection of this type of dust and it even constitutes a profitable by-product (microsilica). A typical Norwegian PM emission limit is approximately 30 mg/Nm3."

"The dust from the handling and transport of solid materials, such as the product and the raw materials, is fundamentally different from the dust generated by the active oxidation. It is typically coarser, and the physical and chemical properties depend on the material from which it was generated. Raw material handling and transport can, for example, produce airborne crystalline alpha-quartz which is a health hazard in its own right. No literature on the generation, collection and reduction of the mechanically generated PM in high-Si alloy smelters has been found."

Read the report for full descriptions and better images.

We are not alone with out concerns - virtually everywhere one of these plants are built, there are health hazards and complaints. Iceland for example, has a large silicon plant and a group of disgusted residents have reached out to the world community for help (legal action notice).

Read their story (blog link). Get your facts. They've been fighting this for YEARS.

What they propose for Pend Oreille and Bonner County MUST BE STOPPED. NOW - AT ANY COST.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

HiTest Silicon Smelter will produce at least 1400 TONS of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) per year!

HiTest Silicon Smelter will produce at least 1400 TONS of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) exceeding 700 tons per year each!

Over 1400 TONS of toxic air pollution to flood the Pend Oreille River Valley and surrounding region with just these two gasses! The real number is actually higher – but they won’t tell us!

As it is, we already know that Sulfur dioxide is a highly toxic, colorless, nonflammable gas. It is an environmental air pollutant with a pungent odor, dissolving in water very easily, adversely affecting water quality.

Both sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide cause acid rain, as well as being central to the formation of fine particles (PM) and ground level ozone, both of which are associated with adverse health effects. Full details here on this:


Here are the facts - In their own words (HiTest Sand PSD Modeling Protocol)

1.1.1 Criteria Pollutant Emissions
“Preliminary calculations of the PSD pollutant emission increases attributable to the proposed project are presented in Table 1, with the applicable Significant Emission Rates (SERs). These preliminary calculations indicate the project’s NOx, CO, SO2, PM10, PM2.5, and greenhouse gas emission increases are expected to be greater than the applicable SERs.”
What this means is air pollution will be significantly higher then what is normally allowed, polluting the entire town and region - these are their current estimates in tons per year:

Right now - none of the toxic gasses and greenhouse emissions are being produced from the Newport site, but if HiTest has their way, our town will become a significant source of air pollution, greenhouse gasses and acid rain, affecting the quality of life for thousands of people.

There will also be a dramatic rise in particulate emissions as shown in this table. These particulates are also dangerous to human health (already covered here on this blog).

The lasting and toxic environmental effects from thousands of tons of these gasses being dumped into the atmosphere every single year will be our legacy to our children. This is not any kind of an exaggeration either - add up the columns for yourself, the number is staggering (in tons per year) - and they want to dump this shit right on top of our heads.

There's more - the primary Air Sampling Modeling data for Newport, Washington was erroneously based upon Deer Park, Washington – which has significantly different air quality and wind patterns then Newport!

Topographically, the Pend Oreille Lake and River Valley, which is surrounded by mountainous terrain is considerably different then Deer Park!

There are significant problems for this inaccurate data representation for Newport area residents. The input data used is not “spatially representative of the project site and also collected with known precision and accuracy”, nor does it represent 5 years as claimed.

This deception appears to be deliberate on initial inspection and is, at the very least, a gigantic oversight by the contracting company Ramboll Environ and HiTest, Inc. and more evidence that either they are being deliberately deceptive again – or have no idea of what they are doing.

Non-conforming modeling data was used - “The meteorological data planned for the modeling is inadequate and does not conform to the applicable regulations and modeling guidelines

There is also concerns over the secondary ID41 instrumentation sited in Old Town, ID with “serious doubts on the overall ID41 data representativeness and data quality.

Comments on Hi-Test Sand PSD Modeling Protocol Submitted by Kalispel Tribe of Indians


Thousands of people in the surrounding communities feel as if we are being railroaded by HiTest, Pend Oreille County and State officials into forced acceptance of the silicon smelter in our town – and this “modeling protocol” is yet another example of the egregious disregard for Pend Oreille County and Bonner County ID residents.

It is beyond ridiculous to “assume” that the process being followed to date is remotely fair, honest, accurate, timely and representative of the entire community and how the silicon smelter will impact each and every one of us.

There is much more that we must all factor in – such as the gross misrepresentation of jobs to be represented in the local community, zoning violations, the impacts upon community life, traffic, noise and light pollution, the silicon dust hazard and the danger of silicosis for workers and residents.

Did you know that HiTest is not even planning to mitigate the sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions? They intend to dump tons of these toxins directly into the air above Newport and Oldtown which will pollute the entire region.

HiTest has assumed that “jobs” are enticements enough for the Newport community to accept a smelting operation on the edge of their town – they are grossly mistaken. Very few jobs will be offered to local residents (under 35), while outsiders will take all the other jobs.

Nobody wants to be anywhere near a smelter, not even after they are shut down. They are unsafe, toxic and pose hazards to workers and residents, the environment and wildlife for decades.

You must fight for the quality of the air that you want to breath! If you don't - your town and your community will be saddled with a toxic smelter plant that will utterly ruin this community and what it is known for.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Silicon Smelter Project In Newport, Washington

If you are interested in sharing a public notice / notification type of letter regarding the silicon smelter proposed for Newport, WA - here is something you may freely copy and use. Share with family, friends, newspapers, reporters, television stations - anyone who will listen.

Silicon Smelter Project In Newport, Washington

Please be informed that Newport, Washington is expecting to have the largest silicon smelter in the United States built here on the State line, bordering Newport, WA and Old Town, ID, producing  60,000 tons of metallurgical silicon, requiring millions of tons of silica sand to be transported through Idaho from Canada by heavy truck.

This will impact the Port of Entry, Bonners Ferry, Sandpoint, Laclede, Priest River and Old Town. Every town in Pend Oreille and Bonner County will be affected by the environmental footprint and air dispersion patterns.

In addition to silica sand, enormous amounts of coal will be brought in (allegedly from Kentucky) and wood chips, all burned in a sub-arc furnace process consuming enormous quantities of electricity to turn silica sand into metallurgical grade silicon.

Emissions from the plant will include carbon, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, fugitive gasses and silica dust, posing a daily hazard to every resident and child within a 350 mile radius due to wind patterns, acid rain and inversions. Noise, light, water and air pollution will be essentially non-stop. The plant is expected to last 50 years.

The tremendous impact upon hydroelectric power production and the need for huge power lines and transformer stations may even affect water levels in Pend Oreille lake, increasing river discharge and causing more then normal fluctuations.

Washington State, Pend Oreille County officials, and the Public Utility District (PUD) have supported this project against the wishes of the vast majority of informed local residents, with a great many other residents who still remain totally uniformed regarding the project, its impacts, environmental issues and the long term effects upon human health, wildlife and the local environment.

It is imperative that the residents throughout Pend Oreille, Bonner and Boundary counties be immediately informed of the intentions of the smelter owner, HiTest, Inc. of Edmonton, Canada and the selected location on the Newport / Old Town State line. The 192 acre property is immediately adjacent to the State line in Old Town, ID and only 3/4 of a mile by air from Newport (behind County dump on Highway 41). The land has already been purchased in a highly questionable deal from PUD.

Concerned residents are encouraged to lodge their protests in the strongest possible terms to their State and County representatives immediately. Governer Butch Otter (ID) was only just recently informed at last week's meeting in Sandpoint and had expressed complete surprise at the news, he had not been informed. It appears that nobody in Bonner County actually was.

We strongly oppose the industrialization of our community in the strongest possible terms, having found HiTest Inc., Pend Oreille County and Washington State officials seriously lacking in transparency, environmental stewardship and their intentions to place this hazardous activity less then 1 mile from Newport, affecting local schools, residents, businesses and tourism throughout the entire region. Nobody wants to live near a smelter, tourism will suffer and many homeowners are already promising to leave the area.

Silica is a known human carcinogen and causes silicosis, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), kidney disease and scleroderma. There will also be environmental issues arising from acid rain, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other greenhouse gasses being released into the atmosphere.

We do not have any reason to "trust the process" or the claims of HiTest, they have virtually no experience with smelter operations and have already demonstrated a clear pattern of abusing the public trust, their shareholders and engaging in secretive negotiations with State and County officials who still refuse to fully cooperate with the public inquiry into this project.

The residents of Golden, B.C., rejected the smelter location because of environmental hazards, as did the Usk, WA Kalispel Tribe of Indians, and residents of Addy, WA.  It is now up to us in Pend Oreille and Bonner County to resist this toxic plant and all of its operations anywhere it may be proposed within the United States.

Please inform your readership as soon as possible of this existential threat - more information can be found at pendoreillehealth.blogspot.com and on Facebook - Citizens Against Newport Silica Smelter (CANSS). Local resistance committees to the project have been formed in Newport, but we need your help, so please get involved. This will affect everyone.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Real Cost to Newport and the Surrounding Communities

The Real Cost to Newport and the Surrounding Communities
Those who are aware of the silicon smelter to be built in Newport are also probably aware of the claimed “jobs” benefits and the alleged “100 new homes will be built” promises from Pend Oreille County officials, State officials and HiTest Sand.

Sounds good, right? None of it is true. You should know why:

Most of the jobs will be sourced from outside of the area, including construction and plant operation. A general contractor has already been selected from outside of the region (Turner Clark), they have 6000 employees already.

The need for new housing assumes that the real estate market will require additional housing for outsiders (locals don’t need more housing, they already have places to live).

The number of people who will leave this community numbers in the hundreds already – which will place a glut of houses on the market. New housing will not be needed to home the outsiders that will come to Newport taking up the smelting jobs.

Nobody will want to move to Newport or live under the shadow of a smelting plant looming over the town. Vacancies for houses, businesses will increase as people flee this area, taking their spending, tax revenue and jobs with them.

Real estate prices will fall, convincing a buyer to buy a house within the community will become increasingly difficult. Nobody wants to live near a smelting operation or anywhere within its reach.

Pend Oreille County and the State of Washington appear to have not even considered these facts. They triumph the alleged jobs angle as the only claimed benefit for the community. Very few jobs will be given to local residents. Many of the plant operation jobs a nasty, dirty and dangerous – these will be the jobs locals may get hired for. Technical positions have already been spoken for and will go to outsiders.

The alleged jobs benefits and the housing construction are being misrepresented by HiTest, Pend Oreille County and Washington State officials. Smelter supporters have failed to think this all through.

The entire character of the town will also change because of the dust, noise, pollution and traffic this gigantic monstrosity will create. The location is only ¾ of a mile above the town by air. Two giant smokestacks will loom in the sky, notifying everyone passing through here that Newport is now focused on industrial development.

This is not what our town is known for. Recreation, tourism, small town values and atmosphere will be destroyed. Nobody will want to come to a town with belching smokestacks and pollution being dumped into the local environment.

There is considerable risk of acid rain, dust exposure and unacceptable emission levels from the smelting plant that will impact the entire surrounding region. That risk cannot be eliminated. The very presence of a smelting operation creates the risk. The towns of Old Town, Albeni Falls, Priest River, Laclede and even Sandpoint can experience emissions and dust. Blanchard and Spirit Lake are also within the wind patterns.

On the Washington side, every town north is at risk (Usk, Cusick, Metaline Falls, Ione) and the entire Pend Oreille river corridor, along with Diamond Lake and Elk. Dispersal distances can range up to hundreds of miles or even further depending upon weather.

The Newport area is well known for inversions which dramatically decrease the air quality during winter. This also now happens in summer as recent fires and heavy smoke will attest to. The smelting plant promises to increase the decline in air quality 24/7, making year-round air quality standards worse – not better.

Up to 4 of these smoke stacks are expected. HiTest already has smelting plant expansion intentions for our community.

Converting the town over to industrial processing will open the door for additional industrial capacity and processing as rails, roads, power generation and land space is cleared and improved for industry. That possibility is very real – and very scary for a pristine mountain community that was known for its recreation activities.

Metallurgical grade silicon receives additional, highly toxic processing into silicon chips for photo-voltaic panels and other technologies later on. Will Newport become the future hosting community for these other industries? What else do they have in mind for Newport?

Families will move away from Newport taking their children with them, depleting the schools with an unknown number of students and Federal funding. Nobody will want to have their children exposed to the smelter while in school or on the playing fields.

Local employees will also be considering leaving, even if they live outside of the immediate area. Pollution from the plant will be right over the town, exposing employees and workers on a daily basis.

New businesses will think more then twice about whether or not it would be a sound business decision to invest in this community and setup business here. Those that will come are what we do not want – more industry and more pollutive activities. They will try to come because the door for industrial opportunity here will be swung wide open. 

Roads will be built, modified and expanded for heavy truck traffic.  Loading and unloading of trucks and trains may require expansion of the existing railway and yards. There is limited space for these developments. Large new roads will also be built to accommodate plant traffic.

Traffic congestion promises to increase significantly, as trucks, trains and traffic increasingly clog up the roadways. This will place an enormous strain on the existing arteries and will require new construction of any bridges used and expansion and improvement of the roadways to accommodate heavy truck traffic.

Once all that is in place, the area will become even more attractive to additional industries because the infrastructure will now exist. This is the pattern exhibited in other smelting towns.

The town will change – forever. These improvements are for the most part, non-beneficial for local businesses, residents, families and local employees, which will have to endure these changes whether they like it or not.

The financial cost upon the City of Newport will be enormous, resulting in levies and tax increases expected of property owners. Property taxes are already exorbitant and will keep going up.

New Fire District resources, funding and equipment will be also required in order to provide more capacity and safety for the area. We will have to pay for that too.

Additional Sheriff office staff, funding and equipment will also be required as the community attempts to accommodate the influx of traffic and people.

While growth for our community is needed – and some of these things are also needed, we must all keep in mind that we are not going to be the primary beneficiaries of this growth – a Canadian company will be. They don’t even live here and have already found ways to avoid paying taxes here. They are not 'investing in our town' - they are investing in their profits.

The impact upon us who live here will be enormous. What few benefits that the community may actually receive are heavily outweighed by the numerous negative impacts certain to happen – and I’ve deliberately refrained from mentioning the environmental impacts again which you should read.

We must all seriously contemplate the reality of what it means to have the nations largest silicon smelting operation located right next to our town (3/4 of a mile away by air) and what it will actually mean for all of us. There are exceedingly few “positives” and a great many “negatives”.  I can't list them all and there are indeed more. But we already know enough to know that resistance to the smelter is imperative.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Resistance To The Newport Smelter

Resistance To The Newport Smelter

It is imperative that resistance to the proposed smelter hanging over the town of Newport, Washington be resisted immediately. Now is the best chance cleanse Newport and Pend Oreille County of this toxic industry before it even begins.

Failure to resist will result in this town being ruined, with thousands of lives affected for over 100 years. The smelter is expected to have a operational lifespan of 50 years which means that this will effect at a minimum 6 generations of people numbering in the tens of thousands (3 living generations now, and at least 3 more in the next 50 years).

This is not hyperbole and may well be a low estimate. Smelting operations leave long-term lasting effects on every community they’ve been operated in, lasting many decades after ceasing operations. Cleanup generally never happens either, because of its impossibilities and exorbitant costs.

If we fail to protect the lives of tens of thousands of people, it will be our fault. This is no exaggeration; smelting operations have immediate and lasting effects that will remain in the community and surrounding areas for a very long time.

It falls upon us, who are here and now to put a stop to this, just like every other generation before that has had to lay aside their daily lives and stop evil.

This November 7th – vote the smelter supporters out of office: (updated)

Shelly Short - smelter supporter
Shirley Sands - smelter supporter
Ken Smith - smelter supporter (which means no Newport mayor candidate on the November 7th ballot will protect the community).

Mike Manus - needs to go too – but he’s not up for reelection (so recall).

Go to the Pend Oreille County Courthouse and pick up a Voters Pamphlet (I found one in the DMV registration office). Most candidates have email addresses and a few offer phone numbers – inquire on their position on the smelter for Pend Oreille County. Ask about their track record on this. Tell them failure to timely respond means you will vote against them.

Many elected officials consider the public unworthy of their time, alleging they “already represent us” which is a gross misunderstanding of what we expect and need. Being elected does not mean they grasp the basic fundamentals of public office as their records show.

Newport residents and Pend Oreille / Bonner County need to be protected against toxic industries. This needs to be their Priority #1.

Their published comments, presentations and attitudes to date have heavily emphasized the alleged “jobs” to come to Newport as their claimed priority. It is extremely clear that they have already failed the public trust, not understanding or not caring about the real priority of maintaining or even improving public health and a safe livable environment here or in the surrounding areas.

The alleged “jobs” to come to Newport is a toxic smoke-screen. The information available on smelting plant construction, out-of-area contractors being used, worker complaints from other smelting operations and the toxic health effects lasting decades clearly demonstrates that jobs are the least positives experienced, heavily outweighed by the long-term regional effects to a community.

Many smelter workers hate their jobs, wages are not adequate or as-promised, they are burned or sick, and the favored management and technology / processing positions with higher pay are all given to non-locals who lack the skills and experience required.

In effect – locals get the dirty, nasty, dangerous grunt jobs because that’s exactly how they see this entire community. We’re expendable. You're expendable. And so is the town. That’s why they won’t build this smeltering plant in their own backyard in Canada, they chose our towns because they well know the toxic effects of building this noisy monstrosity where they live.

This is how they always do it too – smelters are always built where they can sell their idea to a desperate and economically depressed town.

The towns of Becancour, Quebec, Niagara Falls NY, Beverely OH, Alloy WV, Mt Meigs AL, Selma AL, Burnsville MS where other silicon smelters of this type are located, all have one thing in common - low income families. The majority are very small towns like Newport.

They are also the locations of other toxic industries - heavy industry, aluminum, magnesium and metal processing, ferroalloy, pulp and paper operations, manufacturing, steel processing and even prison operations.

Is THIS what they have planned for Newport? Turn our pristine community of recreation and tourism into industrial operations? ARE THEY NUTS?

Lay the blame on our current economic situation in Newport where it belongs - on the people who refused to fix it.

The noise, dust, traffic and congestion that will come to the region from just one smelter includes heavy trucks, trains, off-loading, and loading of waste production will have a huge impact upon our quiet community.

Every town, from Canada down the Pend Oreille river corridor will be affected. The Idaho communities of Old Town, Blanchard, Spirit Lake, Athol and even Sandpoint will also be impacted.

Emissions, dust and transportation of materials to and from the plant could literally go anywhere.

This is not an industrial community and never will be. Nobody lives in Newport or any of the surrounding towns and areas with the notion that we want to change from a safe, healthy clean environment that emphasizes recreation, tourism, fishing and hunting and outdoor activities to an industrial zone. The very notion is categorically insane.

Our community has stupendous opportunity for managed and healthy growth, but this industry is counter-productive to this goal, and once here, we will be forever effectively shackled to the plant and its lasting effects. It will also open the door for other toxic industries in this region (including Old Town).

I cannot accept that, nor can the vast majority of residents in Idaho and Washington. But our local representatives, our State representatives are not listening to us.

Therefore, we must organize multiple-resistance operations immediately.

Step 1

Vote the bums out on November 7th. So far, they’ve proven themselves to be absolutely useless and working against the well-being of the people. More names need to be added to the list – so send them to me and I will update the list.

Organize a steering committee. 5 to 7 people are recommended with a Chairperson. Additional volunteers of up to 20 or more people will be needed to perform research, notification tasks, and to attend meetings. You’re up against a billion dollar industry – so you must think big and act quickly.

Appoint a Treasurer and take up donations from around the community. A local office space would be extremely helpful for the public to pick up information and meet and greet. A point of contact (public relations), telephone number and email will be essential.

A comprehensive website needs to be developed asap (not Facebook, it far too difficult to stay effectively informed with this format). A real website with easy navigation for schedules and meetings, upcoming events, public actions, downloadable handouts and flyers and information everyone in the entire region needs to know. This site will need to be well-managed with fast communication responses (email).

There are a large number of specific issues to research, verify and publish. Recruit participants and do not forget Idaho residents – they have just as much to lose as do Washington residents.

Immediately publish public notices, full page ads in the newspaper and produce flyers, handouts, information sheets and meeting schedules. The Newport Miner is pro-smelter (pay particular attention to the articles and how they refuse to mention the palpable anger in the community and at the meetings).

Organize community meetings asap – you will need a LARGE venue and multiple meetings, in accordance with expected attendance and community size. Be ready with take-home materials and action lists, recruit participants and volunteers and take up donations. Expenditures will be significant, culminating in legal actions against local officials (who are accountable), PUD, Pend Oreille County, HiTest, Inc., and the State of Washington.

Recruit legal representation. Many groups have experience, resources and connections to fight these sorts of developments; their experience will be invaluable. The steering committee will need to prioritize action items, research, and delegation of tasks with accountability.

All this is just Step 1. Do not underestimate this fight. There is much more to come.

Multiple-resistance operations requires multiple efforts coming at the traitors in our midst from all angles. It will not be enough to engage in just one single effort. I’ve already told you this and will say it again – they will defeat you, infiltrate your efforts and undermine your ability to succeed. Act on this fact accordingly.

I’ve also made other actionable suggestions here earlier – please read.

Step 2

Once organized resistance begins, it will be much easier to obtain the essential focus on specific issues that must be dealt with. This is the job of the steering committee and legal representation. Dissemination of need-to-know facts, action items and activities. Public awareness of the smelter must be rapidly escalated and their intentions for Newport exposed.

Once that is accomplished, the committee must prioritize the means and methods of effective resistance on all fronts. Please note – meetings, public information and comments ARE NOT RESISTANCE. Do not fall for this deception! These are only the first baby steps required. They are essential, but they are not resistance.

Extremely Important!!!

It will not be enough to just share information and assume we’ve done our jobs. That would be a huge, fatal mistake. Waving our hands about or engaging on Facebook is nearly useless as an activity (except information sharing). Information must be acted on – otherwise all this “sharing” will accomplish absolutely nothing. People will need to show up and get the real work done.

Right now, they are not afraid of us. That needs to change immediately. They have underhandedly sprung this monstrosity upon the entire surrounding community with the collusion and cooperation of public and private officials. They have all forgotten that it is the people who make up this community who are in the drivers seat. So it is up to us to change the course and direction.

An alternative direction for the Newport region should not be overlooked. We do need growth and jobs – and we need responsible, caring, competent leadership that will advocate safe, healthy, reasonable growth. If we are going to yank the rug out from under this toxic industry – we should be planning for something else for the community.

It is already evident what it should be (in my opinion), capitalizing upon what this area already has to offer. There is huge potential here – without the risk of what a toxic industry presents. So, another committee should be created that will focus on these concepts and ideas for healthy development, to eventually culminate in a recommendation to public and private officials, businesses and stakeholders throughout the area. This will be a long-term effort all by itself. We MUST take an interest in what we want for our town and the surrounding communities.

In order to stay focused – and not overwhelm either effort, it will be important to delegate the responsibilities and activities expected of each effort. Anybody can contribute, but a steering committee should be tasked with enforcing the direction and efforts to be tackled.

I’m not done – but it’s very hard to get people to actually read anything, so I will end my suggestions for now here. I’ve spent the past year on this issue and unfortunately, the community remained fast asleep while they snuck this in. It’s time to get to work and save our town.