Not Here, Not Now, Not Ever - Effective Resistance Strategy, Part I
Now is the right time to resist the silicon smelter proposed for Newport, Washington. Now is when it is easiest, most effective and the hardest to stop the resistance movement.
Pend Oreille County has refused to back down on this project of "state wide significance" (an oxymoron that assumes a false authority) and has promoted the lie that the "public concerns will be addressed".
This is dishonest from the very start, because they're refusing to cancel this project. Anything less then that, does not address our concerns. And the only "state wide significance" is nobody in the State of Washington other then public officials wants this nasty thing. Using buzzwords like this, including "net environmental benefit" are deceptive terms meant to dissuade dissent and public refusal. Don't let them change the narrative into something that it isn't. Smelters are toxic to human and environmental health. That will never change.
HiTest Sands has also refused to back down, claiming that they will have their investors lined up in early January 2018 (all five of them, apparently). The amount of money being raised is only $200 million (at this time), not the $325 million that has been widely publicized. However, virtually nothing coming out of their mouths can be trusted, as we have seen. Industrialists will say anything to get their projects approved. This leads me to believe that the same people on the board of directors at HiTest Sands and Silicon Investments are the primary "investors", and there are very few others, probably less then ten people involved.
That's good news. We can handle ten people. We can even handle more, because there are a great many more of us that will refuse this project at any cost.
There are two primary strategic areas to work on for effective resistance: