Not Here, Not Now, Not Ever - Effective Resistance Strategy, Part I
Now is the right time to resist the silicon smelter proposed for Newport, Washington. Now is when it is easiest, most effective and the hardest to stop the resistance movement.
Pend Oreille County has refused to back down on this project of "state wide significance" (an oxymoron that assumes a false authority) and has promoted the lie that the "public concerns will be addressed".
This is dishonest from the very start, because they're refusing to cancel this project. Anything less then that, does not address our concerns. And the only "state wide significance" is nobody in the State of Washington other then public officials wants this nasty thing. Using buzzwords like this, including "net environmental benefit" are deceptive terms meant to dissuade dissent and public refusal. Don't let them change the narrative into something that it isn't. Smelters are toxic to human and environmental health. That will never change.
HiTest Sands has also refused to back down, claiming that they will have their investors lined up in early January 2018 (all five of them, apparently). The amount of money being raised is only $200 million (at this time), not the $325 million that has been widely publicized. However, virtually nothing coming out of their mouths can be trusted, as we have seen. Industrialists will say anything to get their projects approved. This leads me to believe that the same people on the board of directors at HiTest Sands and Silicon Investments are the primary "investors", and there are very few others, probably less then ten people involved.
That's good news. We can handle ten people. We can even handle more, because there are a great many more of us that will refuse this project at any cost.
There are two primary strategic areas to work on for effective resistance:
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Thursday, November 30, 2017
The Moral Choice
Back in October, I broke a story about how Newport area residents were already dumping houses on the market in response to the proposed silicon smelter being located here.
A follow up check reveals some scary developments:
There are other sources, such as Coldwell Banker and John Scott (local real estate agencies), but I'm not in the habit of giving them a free promotion, so you can look them up yourself if you are so inclined.
What you will find is HiTest Sands has already done MASSIVE damage to the real estate market in this entire area. Or rather, our County and PUD Commissioners have, by assisting and enabling HiTest Sands (multiple violations of law have occurred, but the primary point is none of these people had to help HiTest, but they did).
And they're not even here yet. They're like a deadly ghost, spooking the town and creeping around, everybody is scared, upset and concerned.
Amazing, isn't it? Our officials are worried about jobs and employment and they're already running people off who have lived here for decades. Others are more recent arrivals and they're trying to leave too.
A follow up check reveals some scary developments:
- Oldtown (zoom in to see all the homes listed)
- Newport (zoom in to see all the homes listed)
- Priest River (you know what to do)
There are other sources, such as Coldwell Banker and John Scott (local real estate agencies), but I'm not in the habit of giving them a free promotion, so you can look them up yourself if you are so inclined.
What you will find is HiTest Sands has already done MASSIVE damage to the real estate market in this entire area. Or rather, our County and PUD Commissioners have, by assisting and enabling HiTest Sands (multiple violations of law have occurred, but the primary point is none of these people had to help HiTest, but they did).
And they're not even here yet. They're like a deadly ghost, spooking the town and creeping around, everybody is scared, upset and concerned.
Amazing, isn't it? Our officials are worried about jobs and employment and they're already running people off who have lived here for decades. Others are more recent arrivals and they're trying to leave too.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
HiTest Sands Dog & Pony Show
HiTest Sands Dog & Pony Show
My apologies to readers. The HiTest Sands meeting was supposed to be a dog-and-pony show, at least that's what I reasonably expected from a multi-million dollar "company", even a paper one.
Instead, what we got was a regurgitated out-of-focus slide show with missing images, that almost nobody in the audience could actually read. It was just a rip-off slap dash slide presentation taken from their pathetic website that conveys almost nothing of real substance, and did virtually nothing to appease the still rising concerns of the community.
ALL of the gymnasium bleachers, perhaps a 800 - 1000 people or so showed up - and all they received was more of the same bullshit most of us have already seen online.
Apparently, the $325 million dollar HiTest budget did not include a polished presentation of the HiTest Sands silicon smelter or their actual plans for Newport. But it did include a paid consultant named Tim Thompson who did nearly all of the talking for HiTest. Hopefully, the endless reams of bullshit this pipsqueak spouted came pretty cheap, because he did not share anything with the audience that the vast majority of us did not already know.
The only salient fact that was learned is HiTest is planning on just one smokestack to dump toxins over Newport and the surrounding community - for now.
Their plans DO include a 4-subarc furnace which in the words of Jim May, is actually "semi-closed". And the toxic emissions will be as bad as we all think, but allegedly, State Ecology is "on the job" and will ensure that these toxins being emitted into our air, water and soil meet State permitting requirements.
This is a play on word people. There are toxins and amounts that will be permitted to be dumped into your environment and into your lungs.
My apologies to readers. The HiTest Sands meeting was supposed to be a dog-and-pony show, at least that's what I reasonably expected from a multi-million dollar "company", even a paper one.
Instead, what we got was a regurgitated out-of-focus slide show with missing images, that almost nobody in the audience could actually read. It was just a rip-off slap dash slide presentation taken from their pathetic website that conveys almost nothing of real substance, and did virtually nothing to appease the still rising concerns of the community.
ALL of the gymnasium bleachers, perhaps a 800 - 1000 people or so showed up - and all they received was more of the same bullshit most of us have already seen online.
Apparently, the $325 million dollar HiTest budget did not include a polished presentation of the HiTest Sands silicon smelter or their actual plans for Newport. But it did include a paid consultant named Tim Thompson who did nearly all of the talking for HiTest. Hopefully, the endless reams of bullshit this pipsqueak spouted came pretty cheap, because he did not share anything with the audience that the vast majority of us did not already know.
The only salient fact that was learned is HiTest is planning on just one smokestack to dump toxins over Newport and the surrounding community - for now.
Their plans DO include a 4-subarc furnace which in the words of Jim May, is actually "semi-closed". And the toxic emissions will be as bad as we all think, but allegedly, State Ecology is "on the job" and will ensure that these toxins being emitted into our air, water and soil meet State permitting requirements.
This is a play on word people. There are toxins and amounts that will be permitted to be dumped into your environment and into your lungs.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Smelter News
Some important smelter news you may have not seen:
Canadian smelter not responsible for air pollution in U.S.
It is still stunning to me to think how far this has gone. It should have NEVER reached this point, and yet it has. There will be enormous push-back from this community against this toxic monster.
There is a meeting tomorrow, the very first one with the public (finally, also far outside of the requirements by State law) where the public can listen to the dog-and-pony show from HiTest Sands, and their cohorts in Washington, but you can also show up and voice your concerns.
It's time to tell them to stop. Stop the lies, the deceptions, the claims of "no knowledge", the deflection away from toxic emissions, pollutants, health effects and environmental damage. Bring the Silicon Smelter Fact Sheet with you. Do not let them destroy this community.
6 pm November 29th, at the Newport High School, 1400 5th Street, Newport, Washington. Take 5th street all the way to the end. Expect a few thousand people to show up, so come early.
Canadian smelter not responsible for air pollution in U.S.
The important take-away information is that Canada widely pollutes their own land, and that is pretty much what we can expect down here too from them. They are not committed to clean air, clean water or clean soil at all. The exact opposite is true.Kalispel Tribe opposing silicon smelter
Northport is just south of the Canadian border, but is being poisoned by emissions from this smelter, with lead and arsenic.
The Kalispel Tribe takes a strong stance against the proposed silicon smelter. These are the same emissions levels noted here on this blog. There will be more however, if their 4-stack, 4 subarc furnaces are all built (doubling the amounts, at least).Letter to Washington Governer Inslee from the Kalispel Tribe
Every point mentioned is correct. This is not a green technology, it is highly pollutive, energy intensive and does not result in any net environmental benefits. These are "greenwash" terms used to gloss over their real costs and effects.Counties, Cities and Towns Spot Zoning
The County will have to illegally "spot-zone" the selected site location - which has all kinds of precedents as being illegal.If they violate this, they can be challenged in court. The smart move is to simply deny HiTest permission to operate here, because it is a violation of the County Comprehensive Plan. And then there is still the illegal sale of the land by the County and the PUD that can still be nullified.
It is still stunning to me to think how far this has gone. It should have NEVER reached this point, and yet it has. There will be enormous push-back from this community against this toxic monster.
There is a meeting tomorrow, the very first one with the public (finally, also far outside of the requirements by State law) where the public can listen to the dog-and-pony show from HiTest Sands, and their cohorts in Washington, but you can also show up and voice your concerns.
It's time to tell them to stop. Stop the lies, the deceptions, the claims of "no knowledge", the deflection away from toxic emissions, pollutants, health effects and environmental damage. Bring the Silicon Smelter Fact Sheet with you. Do not let them destroy this community.
6 pm November 29th, at the Newport High School, 1400 5th Street, Newport, Washington. Take 5th street all the way to the end. Expect a few thousand people to show up, so come early.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Silicon Smelter Fact Sheet - Bring This To The Next Meeting
Silicon Smelter Fact Sheet
Jobs - Very few
local residents will be employed (less then 40); turn-over rates are very high
due to hazardous and dangerous conditions (most workers last less then 6
months); starting pay is significantly lower then promised.
Traffic – up to 170
trucks per day will clog local roads and highways; hauling wood chips, millions
of tons of silica sand; and hundreds of thousands of tons of coal will also be
brought in by railroad. This will have an enormous impact upon traffic and
Emissions – Toxic
plant emissions will be emitted over the entire region. These emissions are
significant and serious, leading to asthma
attacks, bronchitis, chronic pulmonary disease and cancer.
These emissions will be found everywhere, in homes, businesses,
forest and lungs of humans and wildlife. Soils will become increasingly acidic
from acid rain leading to increased tree mortality and more forest fires. Water
PH levels will also change affecting fish and amphibians, lowering reproductive
The silicon smelter plant will emit major levels of regulated air pollutants and unregulated air pollutants.
Two enormous smokestacks 15 feet in diameter and 150 feet high are planned, with 2 more
planned for future plant expansion. These stacks will emit hundreds of thousands of tons of emissions into the atmosphere
every year.
The similar,
recent “state-of-the-art” 4-subarc Silicon Smelter Plant in Burnsville,
Mississippi was claimed to emit (tons
per year) -
Dioxide - 2,170
Oxide - 1,906
Monoxide - 1,444
Dioxide – 402,396
Matter - 104
PM10 - 81
PM 2.5 –
Organic Compounds 93.5
(Source - Application
for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Air Permit, Mississippi
Silicon -
HiTest Sands proposes a 4
sub-arc furnace for Newport (Phase II).
These are only the regulated
pollutants, there are many more emissions not
being regulated (over 187) or even measured,
which are dumped into the atmosphere. Some are extremely toxic and
carcinogenic. (Source - Silicon Smelting
Air Quality Permitting and Measurement Issues - )
Silica dust emissions
- Silica dust is extremely hazardous, causing silicosis (deadly and incurable) and will escape from trucks, bins,
loading platforms, conveyers, silos, bag houses and smokestacks. Hundreds of
thousands of tons of coal, wood chips and silica sand will be stored on site.
Best Access Control
Technology (BACT) - The silicon plant design and permitting process allows
for no technology, filters or scrubbers to be employed if these are not cost-effective for plant operation.
HiTest is not planning on using anything to control smokestack emissions.
Air Quality -
Sulfur dioxide will make our daily air quality pretty terrible. The smelter
operates 24 hours a day, 365 days per year, non-stop. Winter inversions and fog will
trap significant amounts of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide right over the
town, making acid rain and acid fog. This will penetrate into the soil, gardens
and locally produced food. Newport will be avoided by everyone who can.
Water - The Mississippi
"state-of-the-art" silicon smelter uses 270,000 gallons of water per day. The HiTest smelter is sited
immediately adjacent to the Little Spokane River Recharge Area.
Taxes - Will go
up, to help pay for infrastructure, roads, services, fire department and law
enforcement increases due to the smelter locating here. Taxes will
significantly increase.
Property Values -
Will go down, nobody wants to live near a toxic smelter. Values will
significantly decrease due to the unpopularity of the area.
Utility Rates -
Millions of dollars will be spent by the Pend Oreille Utility District (they've
admitted to this) for new power infrastructure for the smelter. Nobody is
confident rates won't increase to cover these costs.
Hospital and Medical
Visits and Costs - Will go up, as more and more people seek medical
treatment for silicon smelting emissions and their effects.
The HiTest Silicon
Smelter in Newport is a losing proposal for everyone. Nobody benefits. It
will kill this town, tourism and the surrounding region as a desirable place to
live, work, play or visit.
The State of Washington and Pend Oreille County wants
increased commercial receipt revenues from industry. The same increases could
be easily met by bringing in sustainable,
healthy businesses and tourism. Government officials have totally
overlooked the long-term effects on how a toxic smelter will kill this town.
It gets much worse
- County and PUD Commissioners clearly colluded to sell public property
exclusively to HiTest Sands, Inc. of British Columbia, without public approval or knowledge (required by law). Numerous
legal violations have been documented. $250,000 in Washington Grant money was
given to the Pend Oreille County Economic Development Council (POEDC) and
improperly spent to attack the Kalispel Tribe Class 1 Air Quality Designation
Request, engage in secret meetings and withhold public information, refuse
public involvement and participation, pay for a Preliminary Air Quality study
using bad data, violate the County
Growth Management Plan, bill for service not authorized, and abuse the public
trust, over and over again.
(Sources -
- - )
What You Can Do -
Don't support a toxic industry in this town. Contact everyone you know. Support
the legal action against Pend Oreille County, the State of Washington, Bonner
County and the State of Idaho. Get
involved - before it is too late.
Extensive documentation and investigation into their crimes
and collusion, emissions and toxic effects of silicon smelting is downloadable
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Open Discusssion
If readers have contributions or comments, they can be submitted. Comments now appear on the right column, clicking on commentator name will take you directly to the comment. Comments cannot be edited with Blogger, which is why some past comments with bad links never appeared, I can't fix them.
I did not expect this blog to be so popular, but the silicon smelter is a hot topic for this region.
I did not expect this blog to be so popular, but the silicon smelter is a hot topic for this region.
Friday, November 17, 2017
The Grant Evidence - Collusion and Crimes, Part I
The Grant Evidence - Collusion and Crimes, Part I
The rabbit hole of what has transpired behind the back of the general public by our elected officials is absolutely stunning. I will attempt to issue these articles in a series.
There have been two grants provided to Pend Oreille County on behalf of HiTest Sands, Inc., in the amounts of $300K and $250K.
$300,000 Non-Construction Grant
Recipient Pend Oreille County
Grant SRF15-00015-112
Effective Date August 4, 2016, expired June 30, 2017
All work was to be completed on or before June 30, 2017, with the Final Report on activities being due no later then July 7, 2017.
Recipient Pend Oreille Economic Development Council
Grant 17-63320-001
Effective January 11, 2017, expired June 30, 2017
This Grant was intended for the Usk location, in numerous areas too many to mention here.
Attachment A however, clearly designates the Ponderay Newsprint site as follows:
There is still no mention of Newport in the Amended Grant, yet very large sums of money were clearly spent (over $100,000) on the new location as shown on the Vouchers for the Newport site. (3) (4).
As part of the amendments, the following were removed:
This Grant was not authorized in 2016, yet there are numerous billings being charged for this in 2016. (3) No evidence has been found that indicates there is any kind of authorization or amendments for this.
Dohrn also bills the Environmental Grant for numerous hours and effort (@$140 per hour) in 2017 for alternative site identification (Newport), property acquisition, road access and participation in trying to defeat the Kalispel Tribe Class 1 Air Quality application. None of this information was mentioned to the public.
Estimates are at least 133 hours, or nearly $19,000 were billed to the Grant for these services (low estimate, many more hours are shown in the draft invoices included with the Voucher). (4)
The County also contracted with Rambol to help defeat the Class 1 Air Quality Designation request by the Kalispel Tribe, Rambol invoiced $15,730.40 for this effort.
Extensive research in the Pend Oreille Economic Development Council, and the Pend Oreille HiTest Executive Committee is also being performed, but many of the same people are involved in both (and none of the public are allowed).
It could not be any clearer that there never has been any proper adherence to the process that we've been told to "trust". We are being railroaded by specific individuals who have operated WAY outside of their authority.
Efforts to deceive, deflect and confuse the public; withhold public involvement and participation; expend public money on behalf of land acquisition for a private company; attempt to defeat the Tribe's request for air quality protection (for all of us); and bill for services out of the scope, dates and responsibilities granted. There's more.
Washington State is now going to be a gigantic SPECTACLE of incompetence AND MALFEASANCE by State and County public officials colluding with a private foreign corporation.
It's time for a national press conference. If the Attorney General won't act, we will.
1. Commerce Grant Number: SRF15-00015-112.
2. Ramboll Environ Invoice 454376, Date July 27, 2017.
3. Washington State Voucher Distribution Index 63530250 signed 6/16/17 by Director Of Operations (signature not quite readable).
4. Washington State Voucher Distribution Index 63530250 signed 7/17/17 by Director Of Operations (signature not quite readable).
The rabbit hole of what has transpired behind the back of the general public by our elected officials is absolutely stunning. I will attempt to issue these articles in a series.
There have been two grants provided to Pend Oreille County on behalf of HiTest Sands, Inc., in the amounts of $300K and $250K.
$300,000 Non-Construction Grant
Recipient Pend Oreille County
Grant SRF15-00015-112
Effective Date August 4, 2016, expired June 30, 2017
All work was to be completed on or before June 30, 2017, with the Final Report on activities being due no later then July 7, 2017.
Grant money was to be used for "coordinated development beneficial to the well-being of communities and their residents". However, this grant money was used to assist a foreign corporation bring in a toxic silicon smelter operation, the largest in the United States. (1)
The Grant was not signed until 6/12/17 by the Assistant Attorney General Sandra Adix, and not signed by the POEDC Chair, Ray Pierre, until 6/21/17, and Jamie Wyrobek of the POEDC on 6/21/17.$250,000 Environmental Grant
This Grant was authorized to facilitate the "pass through of funds" to reimburse HiTest Sands, Inc. for the following:
Scope of Work Authorized under this Grant:
- Feasibility, design and planning costs
- Environmental analysis
- Workforce development
- Technical assistance
- Relocation assistance
There is no authorization under this Grant for air quality modeling. That was paid for out of the Environmental Grant (see below).
- Preliminary design and engineering services
- Site feasibility
- Planning and consulting services
There is no authorization under this Grant for assisting HiTest with acquiring land, which was done by the Commissioners (County & PUD) anyway.
There is no authorization under this Grant to locate the smelter in Newport. Or to have the County Commissioners collude together to sell and buy land on behalf of HiTest.
Deadline on Final Report was 6/30/17, but wasn't completed until October 2017.
Recipient Pend Oreille Economic Development Council
Grant 17-63320-001
Effective January 11, 2017, expired June 30, 2017
This Grant was intended for the Usk location, in numerous areas too many to mention here.
Attachment A however, clearly designates the Ponderay Newsprint site as follows:
" to be located on underutilized property on the site of the Ponderay Newsprint Company mill, in the vicinity of Usk and Cusick Uban Growth Area ". There is no mention of Newport in this Grant.This Grant was subsequently amended on June 28, 2017 - only 2 days before it expires.
There is still no mention of Newport in the Amended Grant, yet very large sums of money were clearly spent (over $100,000) on the new location as shown on the Vouchers for the Newport site. (3) (4).
As part of the amendments, the following were removed:
Task 1 "Public Participation Plan deliverable" was removed (Page 1 of the Amendment). Removed was all forms of public participation and involvement "throughout phases of the project, including pre-application consulting, environmental review, and application review."
Most likely, this occurred because by then, it was apparent the the POEDC had miserably failed to abide by the requirements of this Grant. Public participation never happened. The Department of Commerce went along with this sham by authorizing the amendment.
Perhaps they all think that cancelling this just two days before the expiration date is sufficient to pass the sniff test. I think not. I think they got caught and are trying to cover up their crimes.Also removed was a written plan to guide communications between stakeholders, including County, HiTest, Kalispel Tribe, Port of Pend Oreille, the POEDC, PUD, Cusick, Washington State Department of Commerce, Washington State Department of Ecology, local schools and local job training programs. And -
Task 6 "Cultural Resource Assessment" was removed (Page 1 of the Amendment).The Washington State Voucher Distribution for this Environmental Grant shows Gregg Dohrn, Pend Oreille County HiTest Project Manager, billing for services to this Grant 17-63320-001 on dates July 22, 2016 through December 21, 2016 for a total amount $42,420.
Task 8 "Timber Lands Assessments" are not funded under this grant, and removed.
This Grant was not authorized in 2016, yet there are numerous billings being charged for this in 2016. (3) No evidence has been found that indicates there is any kind of authorization or amendments for this.
Dohrn also bills the Environmental Grant for numerous hours and effort (@$140 per hour) in 2017 for alternative site identification (Newport), property acquisition, road access and participation in trying to defeat the Kalispel Tribe Class 1 Air Quality application. None of this information was mentioned to the public.
Estimates are at least 133 hours, or nearly $19,000 were billed to the Grant for these services (low estimate, many more hours are shown in the draft invoices included with the Voucher). (4)
The County also contracted with Rambol to help defeat the Class 1 Air Quality Designation request by the Kalispel Tribe, Rambol invoiced $15,730.40 for this effort.
This the same firm previously used to produce the inaccurate and deceptive Preliminary Air Quality Report on behalf of HiTest, already refuted here, and here. (2) Perhaps the County thought they could sneak this one by too. Why use the same company that failed to provide an adequate air quality analysis unless your trying to cover something up?Dohrn also bills the Environmental Grant for "property acquisitions" activities (4). More non-disclosure to the general public. The County's HiTest Project Manager was actively working to locate the site in Newport.
Extensive research in the Pend Oreille Economic Development Council, and the Pend Oreille HiTest Executive Committee is also being performed, but many of the same people are involved in both (and none of the public are allowed).
It could not be any clearer that there never has been any proper adherence to the process that we've been told to "trust". We are being railroaded by specific individuals who have operated WAY outside of their authority.
Efforts to deceive, deflect and confuse the public; withhold public involvement and participation; expend public money on behalf of land acquisition for a private company; attempt to defeat the Tribe's request for air quality protection (for all of us); and bill for services out of the scope, dates and responsibilities granted. There's more.
Washington State is now going to be a gigantic SPECTACLE of incompetence AND MALFEASANCE by State and County public officials colluding with a private foreign corporation.
It's time for a national press conference. If the Attorney General won't act, we will.
1. Commerce Grant Number: SRF15-00015-112.
2. Ramboll Environ Invoice 454376, Date July 27, 2017.
3. Washington State Voucher Distribution Index 63530250 signed 6/16/17 by Director Of Operations (signature not quite readable).
4. Washington State Voucher Distribution Index 63530250 signed 7/17/17 by Director Of Operations (signature not quite readable).
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
The Land Evidence, Part II - Collusion and Crimes
The Land Evidence, Part II - Collusion and Crimes
The following facts, analysis and opinions have been sourced from publicly available documents.
Please review The Land Evidence - Early On for previously covered information on the illegal land transfer.
For many months, Pend Oreille County Commissioners have denied any knowledge or awareness of the activity and plans of HiTest Sands Inc. including their intentions to locate within Pend Oreille County after giving up on the Usk / Ponderay Newsprint site. This was the narrative promoted by the Commissioners in public meetings, presentations and in the local newspaper.
We have now learned, beyond any shadow of doubt, that this officially supported narrative was entirely false. Their profession of ignorance, non-awareness and even innocence was a sham to cover up illegal activities going on behind the scenes against the public interest.
During this period, the Commissioners continued to deny their own involvement, cooperation and the growing suspicion of collusion with HiTest Sands that began to become more and more apparent to the general public.
So far, we have documented their deliberate intentions and actions to sell public property without public knowledge to the Pend Oreille Public Utility District (PUD), all on behalf of HiTest Sands, Inc., a private foreign corporation.
This is the rest of that story, providing clear evidence of collusion between the Commissioners, the PUD and HiTest Sands, Inc. very early on, to enable an illegal land tranfer to HiTest Sands, Inc. without public knowledge or involvement, and then intentionally and publicly hiding their actions from the general public and residents of this county for as long as possible. Their professed "innocence" in directly assisting HiTest Sands Inc., to obtain public property is a total sham.
Pertinent information is for 2017. By now, the Kalispel Tribe in Usk had already successfully managed to frustrate the plans of the Pend Oreille County Commissioners and HiTest Sands to locate to Usk (good for them!) and HiTest had already begun looking around elsewhere.
1/31/17 - Press Release by County Commissioners that HiTest Sands was going to locate the smelter in Stevens County.
4/25/17 - Commissioners issue Resolution to dispose of "surplus property" citing "land locked" claims and "unbuildable" topography. Both claims are false.
4/29/17 - Only four days later, a site visit on the proposed HiTest site is conducted, including the "surplus property" parcel, with members of Parametrix, County staff, PUD, Pend Oreille Valley Railroad, City of Newport and the "private client" (HiTest) present.
5/3/17 - Memorandum to Pend Oreille County HiTest Project Manager Gregg Dorhn (contractor) from Parametrix designating the Alternative Truck Route #4 (through Idaho, near County dump), acquisition of Idaho land, and specifically mentioning Washington parcel 19182 ("surplus parcel").
5/23/17 - County Commissioners send letter to Washington Governer Inslee requesting that the Class 1 Air Quality designation for the Kalispel Tribe be denied.
6/15/17 - Commissioners letter to Senator Shelly Short supporting HiTest Sands and the claimed "jobs" benefit.
6/20/2017 - County Resolution to sell the "surplus property" because it was "land locked" and "unbuildable" to the PUD, the actual value was ignored.
7/6/17 - Newport Miner reports that a $25,000 deposit was made to the PUD, according to Colin Willenbrock (General Manager) for request for electricity service for the site south of Newport on land owned by the PUD and Pend Oreille County. Tymko alleges that "community support and buy-in are important to us".
7/11/17 - Amended Resolution 2017-26, ordering sale of property 19182.
7/13/17 - Request for property appraisal on all four parcels, including the County "surplus property" parcel not yet sold, specifically stating this was being performed to negotiate the sale of the land to HiTest.
7/18/17 - Pend Oreille County HiTest Sand Executive Committee proposed. No members of the public are invited. Members are Mike Manus, Commissioner, Paul Wilson, Chairman, Newport School District Board of Directors, Thomas Garrett, Chairman, Newport Hospital and Health Services, Daniel J Peterson, President Pend Oreille Public Utility District, Ray Pierre, Chair, Pend Oreille Economic Development Council, Shirley Sands, Mayor, City of Newport, Jeff Connolly, Bonner County Board of Commissioners, R.L. Bob Shanklin, Chairman, Port of Pend Oreille.
7/25/17 - Commissioner Mike Manus discussed the "prospect of HiTest Sand moving to Pend Oreille County, including the proposed location" of the HiTest Sands smelter site.
7/28/17 - Property appraisal on all four parcels is completed.
8/2/17 - "Surplus property" parcel is sold to the PUD without public notification, auction or participation on behalf of the HiTest Sands, as stated in the property appraisal report.
8/7/17 - First "aware" meeting including the general public regarding HiTest Sands proposal to locate in Newport. Gregg Dohrn discusses permitting and "preliminary evaluations" and if it is feasible to locate and operate in the county.
8/21/17 - Commissioners meeting, discussing "anticipated decision" to proceed in Pend Oreille County.
9/11/17 - Commissioners meeting, discussing the possibility of HiTest Sands, Inc. to locate in the County, lack of information, etc.
9/14/17 - HiTest Sands purchased bundled land parcels, is issued a Special Warranty Deed for the bundled property granting perpetual access to the PUD for power and transmission lines. $13,635 discrepancy in land prices is found.
It is clearly apparent that the following statements are all true:
Why are County Commissioners and the PUD actively engaging in land acquisition at the public expense for a foreign corporation? And then consistently denying public involvement?
Update - A key question to be answered. Why did all four Commissioners engage in this activity on behalf of HiTest Sands, Inc.? HiTest could have simply bought the properties from the County and the PUD outright, but didn’t. HiTest was clearly aware of the properties, clear back in April and very likely, months before. Instead, all four Commissioners (and others) participated in a scheme to offer the land exclusively to HiTest at an amount that was $50,000 higher then the actual appraisal.
From publicly available documents it is apparent that all the parties were fully informed of the property appraisal, conditions that were to be met (sell public property to the PUD), road access, buildable condition, and other encumbrances and conditions.
The Commissioners (County and PUD) knowingly participated in this land sale to a private foreign corporation under the conditions and expectations of rezoning the land without the required public approval, meeting, vote or participation. Public concerns about rezoning requirements, public meetings, opportunity for public involvement or input will be ignored.
County officials are well-aware of the resistance to rezoning requests as shown in the obtained documents, due to the Growth Management mandate that the County protect rural and natural resources, but devised this plan long ago to work around public involvement or approval. This is against the public interest and mandate to protect rural and natural resources on behalf of Pend Oreille County residents.
The County land use plan does not accommodate large-scale industrial activity at all, yet despite this, Pend Oreille County and the State of Washington have actively conspired to violate both the Growth Management and County Comprehensive Plan for rural, residential and natural resource protection.
Pend Oreille County Commissioners have created a special Executive Committee on behalf of HiTest Sands, Inc., to facilitate, expedite and assist the process of smelter plant approval (9/26/17). Members of the Executive Committee only include hand-picked officials and a private contractor (Gregg Dohrn, Pend Oreille County HiTest Project Manager) and no members of the public. Inquiry into public participation on the Executive Committee were denied, there will be no public participation.
The Pend Oreille County Executive Committee is a sham, specifically staffed and designed to overcome any and all opposition to the proposed HiTest Sands smelter in Newport (or any other Pend Oreille County location).
To date, Pend Oreille County has done everything possible to assist HiTest Sands to setup and operate a toxic smelter directly above the town of Newport against the will and wishes of the dominant majority of people that do not want a toxic smelter to be located in their town.
There has been a clear, deliberate pattern of collusion, control, non-disclosure, non-transparency from beginning to end on this project by HiTest Sands, Inc., Pend Oreille County, Washington State, Idaho State and Bonner County, which indicates that extensive efforts have been made by all parties involved since the beginning (going back to 2016, at least), to find and use compliant public officials, control public knowledge and disclosure, refuse and deny public involvement, obtain special State tax incentives and utility rates, pass supportive State legislation and obtain special privileges and Grants (public money), obtain public land and gain the support of key individuals.
We have also found documentation that HiTest Sands Inc., intends to apply for additional sources of funds from the State and Federal government (more public money) and to-date, has not shown any financial stature or capability to provide the required $200,000,000 to $325,000,000 "investments" claimed in County and State documents.
We believe that high levels of non-transparency, non-disclosure and manipulation of the public perception and awareness extends all the way up to the Washington State governor, State Senators and Representatives. We find that this consistent behavior to force an undesirable and unsafe human-hazard smelter upon the citizens of Newport and the surrounding communities a startling clear indication that Washington State does not care about its citizens or the environment over potential commercial receipts and profits.
The alleged future or past "participation of the public" in Pend Oreille County is a total sham. Public input is neither sought after nor desired; it does not have any effect on the process or outcomes of decisions reached by Pend Oreille County officials. County officials have publicly stated that they will "wait on the process" while not giving the voting public an opportunity to choose whether or not the people living here want a toxic smelter in their town.
Examination of the permitting process also reveals that public input ("comment period") is also designed to simply appease public concerns and will have no other effect upon permit approvals.
We have also documented violations and egregious omissions and claims used in the Preliminary Air Quality Report for HiTest Sands revealing bad data, and inaccurate claims, which have been propagated by both State and County officials as adequately "meeting the National Air Quality Standards".
Commissioners have also planned for route access with Route Alternatives 1, 2, 3, 4 which will impact critical wetlands, site on unstable soils unsuitable for road access, intend to build roads within a designated flood plain, create Idaho State land road access, and swap public Idaho lands to facilitate the access for heavy-haul trucks (170 per day), which will hugely impact the entire region.
HiTest Sands, Inc. cannot purchase State land, to obtain ownership of property described as Alternative 4 (land next to the Bonner County Dump on Highway 41) for the heavy-haul route, they will have to trade Idaho property deemed more desirable to the State of Idaho. This means that HiTest has probably already purchased or identified such a parcel and is probably in negotiations with the State of Idaho or has already completed the transaction. Heavy logging activity is currently underway on the Alternative 4 route parcel.
Pend Oreille County Commissioners have betrayed the public trust, having denied their involvement and direct participation in facilitating the transfer and sale of public land to a private foreign corporation, have consistently denied any knowledge of these activities of HiTest in public forums and questions, and have refused to directly and clearly answer specific questions on their enabling activities on behalf of HiTest Sands.
There has consistently appeared to be little sincere regard for the enormous amount of confusion, misrepresentation and misinformation being shared by the Commissioners and HiTest Sands to the public, the entire but unspoken, unstated but significant and serious health effects of silicon smelting operations, the long-lasting environmental impacts upon air, water, soil and the surrounding environment, or even how the deliberate attempts to "industrialize" a small mountain community can't in any possible way actually benefit the residents that live here.
To all appearances to the general public, County Commissioners appear to be working directly for HiTest Sands while giving only a pretense of representing the will of the people they were elected to serve. We believe that a severe breach of trust, mismanagement and ineptitude has transpired, causing irreparable harm to the town and entire community affected by the silicon smelter proposal.
This major disruption to our lives and well-being is already vast and extensive, encompassing already thousands of people in Pend Oreille and Bonner County (at least), with interested persons also concerned throughout both States. We note further that resistance in Golden, British Columbia, Usk Washington, Addy Washington was also on the official published record against a silicon smelter in those locations. This too has been broadly ignored by all participants and pretended as if it never happened.
We find the behavior of our elected representatives absolutely reprehensible and immoral and an abuse of the public trust and interest and believe it is in the best interests of the residents of Pend Oreille County that all three County Commissioner resign from office effective immediately; and that PUD General Manager Colin Willenbrock also immediately resign.
The land sale of all four public property parcels should be vacated, the transfer of funds should be returned to the buyer, and all activity related to the smelter site located above the town of Newport should cease immediately and forever.
We do not find it within the interest of well-being of the people of this county or the region to continue in any kind of a relationship, business or otherwise with HiTest Sands Inc., or the people that have tried to facilitate this toxic smelter into our region. This is not a desirable project for the people of Pend Oreille County or Washington State outside of a few, special vested interests of which we have none.
We ask the the People of the State of Washington, Pend Oreille County, the Kalispel Tribe and all the sovereign nations within these borders, the People of the State of Idaho, Bonner County and all other concerned parties and participants categorically refuse to be bullied, bamboozled, lied to and deceived about this project and how it will drastically affect the rural quality of life in these areas.
We have earnestly and sincerely sought to gain the support and attention of the people of this State, Pend Oreille County and Bonner County to fully grasp the fundamental risks, pollution, emissions and effects of silicon smelting operations, as documented and found throughout the entire world, only to be consistently ignored by elected officials within both States.
If we are going to be continued to be ignored, continued to be lied to, continued to have the public trust violated by our elected officials, continued to have the real facts misrepresented, continued to have our lives, our health, our air, water, soil and environment placed at risk, our questions and concerns remaining unanswered and unaddressed, we will resist.
The following facts, analysis and opinions have been sourced from publicly available documents.
Please review The Land Evidence - Early On for previously covered information on the illegal land transfer.
For many months, Pend Oreille County Commissioners have denied any knowledge or awareness of the activity and plans of HiTest Sands Inc. including their intentions to locate within Pend Oreille County after giving up on the Usk / Ponderay Newsprint site. This was the narrative promoted by the Commissioners in public meetings, presentations and in the local newspaper.
We have now learned, beyond any shadow of doubt, that this officially supported narrative was entirely false. Their profession of ignorance, non-awareness and even innocence was a sham to cover up illegal activities going on behind the scenes against the public interest.
During this period, the Commissioners continued to deny their own involvement, cooperation and the growing suspicion of collusion with HiTest Sands that began to become more and more apparent to the general public.
So far, we have documented their deliberate intentions and actions to sell public property without public knowledge to the Pend Oreille Public Utility District (PUD), all on behalf of HiTest Sands, Inc., a private foreign corporation.
This is the rest of that story, providing clear evidence of collusion between the Commissioners, the PUD and HiTest Sands, Inc. very early on, to enable an illegal land tranfer to HiTest Sands, Inc. without public knowledge or involvement, and then intentionally and publicly hiding their actions from the general public and residents of this county for as long as possible. Their professed "innocence" in directly assisting HiTest Sands Inc., to obtain public property is a total sham.
Pertinent information is for 2017. By now, the Kalispel Tribe in Usk had already successfully managed to frustrate the plans of the Pend Oreille County Commissioners and HiTest Sands to locate to Usk (good for them!) and HiTest had already begun looking around elsewhere.
1/31/17 - Press Release by County Commissioners that HiTest Sands was going to locate the smelter in Stevens County.
4/25/17 - Commissioners issue Resolution to dispose of "surplus property" citing "land locked" claims and "unbuildable" topography. Both claims are false.
4/29/17 - Only four days later, a site visit on the proposed HiTest site is conducted, including the "surplus property" parcel, with members of Parametrix, County staff, PUD, Pend Oreille Valley Railroad, City of Newport and the "private client" (HiTest) present.
5/3/17 - Memorandum to Pend Oreille County HiTest Project Manager Gregg Dorhn (contractor) from Parametrix designating the Alternative Truck Route #4 (through Idaho, near County dump), acquisition of Idaho land, and specifically mentioning Washington parcel 19182 ("surplus parcel").
5/23/17 - County Commissioners send letter to Washington Governer Inslee requesting that the Class 1 Air Quality designation for the Kalispel Tribe be denied.
6/15/17 - Commissioners letter to Senator Shelly Short supporting HiTest Sands and the claimed "jobs" benefit.
6/20/2017 - County Resolution to sell the "surplus property" because it was "land locked" and "unbuildable" to the PUD, the actual value was ignored.
7/6/17 - Newport Miner reports that a $25,000 deposit was made to the PUD, according to Colin Willenbrock (General Manager) for request for electricity service for the site south of Newport on land owned by the PUD and Pend Oreille County. Tymko alleges that "community support and buy-in are important to us".
7/11/17 - Amended Resolution 2017-26, ordering sale of property 19182.
7/13/17 - Request for property appraisal on all four parcels, including the County "surplus property" parcel not yet sold, specifically stating this was being performed to negotiate the sale of the land to HiTest.
7/18/17 - Pend Oreille County HiTest Sand Executive Committee proposed. No members of the public are invited. Members are Mike Manus, Commissioner, Paul Wilson, Chairman, Newport School District Board of Directors, Thomas Garrett, Chairman, Newport Hospital and Health Services, Daniel J Peterson, President Pend Oreille Public Utility District, Ray Pierre, Chair, Pend Oreille Economic Development Council, Shirley Sands, Mayor, City of Newport, Jeff Connolly, Bonner County Board of Commissioners, R.L. Bob Shanklin, Chairman, Port of Pend Oreille.
7/25/17 - Commissioner Mike Manus discussed the "prospect of HiTest Sand moving to Pend Oreille County, including the proposed location" of the HiTest Sands smelter site.
7/28/17 - Property appraisal on all four parcels is completed.
8/2/17 - "Surplus property" parcel is sold to the PUD without public notification, auction or participation on behalf of the HiTest Sands, as stated in the property appraisal report.
8/7/17 - First "aware" meeting including the general public regarding HiTest Sands proposal to locate in Newport. Gregg Dohrn discusses permitting and "preliminary evaluations" and if it is feasible to locate and operate in the county.
8/21/17 - Commissioners meeting, discussing "anticipated decision" to proceed in Pend Oreille County.
9/11/17 - Commissioners meeting, discussing the possibility of HiTest Sands, Inc. to locate in the County, lack of information, etc.
9/14/17 - HiTest Sands purchased bundled land parcels, is issued a Special Warranty Deed for the bundled property granting perpetual access to the PUD for power and transmission lines. $13,635 discrepancy in land prices is found.
It is clearly apparent that the following statements are all true:
- Pend Oreille County worked directly with the Public Utility District (PUD) to enable, assist and provide public land transfer to Hi Test Sands, Inc. for months, withholding public knowledge of this activity.
- The public should have been informed clear back in April of the decision by the County Commissioners to sell public property to the PUD for the benefit of HiTest Sands.
- This activity was done with the full knowledge and assistance of all three County Commissioners; Mike Manus, Karen Skoog, Steve Kiss and County Prosecutor Dolly Hunt.
- Commissioners and Hunt have met on several occasions (4/25/17, 10/2/17, 11/6/17, at least) to specifically discuss the legality, potential for lawsuits and litigation on the surplus property sale, a clear indication that have been fully aware of their own actions.
- Public property was illegally surplused (sold) to PUD under false pretenses, falsifying the claims of access, buildable condition and overall "uselessness" of the land, with the specific purposes of ensure that this parcel would then be sold to HiTest Sands.
- Collusion between Pend Oreille County and the PUD began quite early, we know for certain that this was already occurring in early 2017 and probably even earlier. Someone researched available lands, which information in turn was passed back to the Commissioners, HiTest Sands and the PUD. It was then that a new site was chosen over Addy (Stevens County), provided that the public property could be transferred to HiTest preferably without public involvement.
- County Resolutions were then passed by County Commissioners to enable and facilitate this public land transfer solely for the intended purposes of selling the land to the PUD to enable HiTest Sands Inc. to obtain what was formerly public property.
- Other County officials, and employees helped facilitate this activity.
- Pend Oreille County officials kept all of this activity away from the public knowledge and involvement deliberately, going so far as to publicly deny any knowledge of this activity or what HiTest was wanting to do (site location) for months.
- The lands in question were not offered up for sale to the general public or put up for auction as sold, nor placed on any public notice.
- Public funds and expenditures were spent enabling all of this activity, by both the County and the PUD, by a large number of people involved in this activity.
- This activity is far outside the scope, duties and responsibilities of County Commissioners, who are operating under State mandate to help in the planning process only, selling public land to a private foreign corporation is not within this mandate or the expectations of the constituents they were chosen to represent.
- The PUD also operated far outside the scope of their expected duties and responsibilities, directly facilitating in the planning, negotiation and sale of public property to a private foreign corporation. The PUD also failed to advertise or make available to the general public the bundled land package, offering a exclusive deal and opportunity to a private foreign corporation.
- The Pend Oreille Economic Development Council has directly assisted HiTest Sands, Inc. with a grant request for public funds to be used by HiTest Sands Inc., refused to publish the facts regarding the true intentions of HiTest Sands, and participated in the collusion and coverup of the illegal land sale for as many months as the Commissioners did.
- Expected road activity is 170 trucks per day, and 400 passenger vehicles, which will have a stupendous impact upon local traffic, smog and congestion on virtually all roadways, highways and access routes. Even this figure has been misrepresented to-date in public meetings, claims and newspapers.
- No evidence has been found to support the contention that HiTest Sands, Inc., has the resources or the investors required to build the proposed smelter in Newport (or anywhere else), yet despite this non-disclosure described as "tight-lipped" by HiTest executives, neither the State of Washington or Pend Oreille County has revealed their financial solvency and ability to achieve the stated commitments on private investment. Both the County, Washington State and Bonner County and the State of Idaho have expended serious sums of money already on behalf of the HiTest project proposal using public funds.
Why are County Commissioners and the PUD actively engaging in land acquisition at the public expense for a foreign corporation? And then consistently denying public involvement?
Update - A key question to be answered. Why did all four Commissioners engage in this activity on behalf of HiTest Sands, Inc.? HiTest could have simply bought the properties from the County and the PUD outright, but didn’t. HiTest was clearly aware of the properties, clear back in April and very likely, months before. Instead, all four Commissioners (and others) participated in a scheme to offer the land exclusively to HiTest at an amount that was $50,000 higher then the actual appraisal.
From publicly available documents it is apparent that all the parties were fully informed of the property appraisal, conditions that were to be met (sell public property to the PUD), road access, buildable condition, and other encumbrances and conditions.
The Commissioners (County and PUD) knowingly participated in this land sale to a private foreign corporation under the conditions and expectations of rezoning the land without the required public approval, meeting, vote or participation. Public concerns about rezoning requirements, public meetings, opportunity for public involvement or input will be ignored.
County officials are well-aware of the resistance to rezoning requests as shown in the obtained documents, due to the Growth Management mandate that the County protect rural and natural resources, but devised this plan long ago to work around public involvement or approval. This is against the public interest and mandate to protect rural and natural resources on behalf of Pend Oreille County residents.
The County land use plan does not accommodate large-scale industrial activity at all, yet despite this, Pend Oreille County and the State of Washington have actively conspired to violate both the Growth Management and County Comprehensive Plan for rural, residential and natural resource protection.
Pend Oreille County Commissioners have created a special Executive Committee on behalf of HiTest Sands, Inc., to facilitate, expedite and assist the process of smelter plant approval (9/26/17). Members of the Executive Committee only include hand-picked officials and a private contractor (Gregg Dohrn, Pend Oreille County HiTest Project Manager) and no members of the public. Inquiry into public participation on the Executive Committee were denied, there will be no public participation.
The Pend Oreille County Executive Committee is a sham, specifically staffed and designed to overcome any and all opposition to the proposed HiTest Sands smelter in Newport (or any other Pend Oreille County location).
To date, Pend Oreille County has done everything possible to assist HiTest Sands to setup and operate a toxic smelter directly above the town of Newport against the will and wishes of the dominant majority of people that do not want a toxic smelter to be located in their town.
There has been a clear, deliberate pattern of collusion, control, non-disclosure, non-transparency from beginning to end on this project by HiTest Sands, Inc., Pend Oreille County, Washington State, Idaho State and Bonner County, which indicates that extensive efforts have been made by all parties involved since the beginning (going back to 2016, at least), to find and use compliant public officials, control public knowledge and disclosure, refuse and deny public involvement, obtain special State tax incentives and utility rates, pass supportive State legislation and obtain special privileges and Grants (public money), obtain public land and gain the support of key individuals.
We have also found documentation that HiTest Sands Inc., intends to apply for additional sources of funds from the State and Federal government (more public money) and to-date, has not shown any financial stature or capability to provide the required $200,000,000 to $325,000,000 "investments" claimed in County and State documents.
We believe that high levels of non-transparency, non-disclosure and manipulation of the public perception and awareness extends all the way up to the Washington State governor, State Senators and Representatives. We find that this consistent behavior to force an undesirable and unsafe human-hazard smelter upon the citizens of Newport and the surrounding communities a startling clear indication that Washington State does not care about its citizens or the environment over potential commercial receipts and profits.
The alleged future or past "participation of the public" in Pend Oreille County is a total sham. Public input is neither sought after nor desired; it does not have any effect on the process or outcomes of decisions reached by Pend Oreille County officials. County officials have publicly stated that they will "wait on the process" while not giving the voting public an opportunity to choose whether or not the people living here want a toxic smelter in their town.
Examination of the permitting process also reveals that public input ("comment period") is also designed to simply appease public concerns and will have no other effect upon permit approvals.
We have also documented violations and egregious omissions and claims used in the Preliminary Air Quality Report for HiTest Sands revealing bad data, and inaccurate claims, which have been propagated by both State and County officials as adequately "meeting the National Air Quality Standards".
Commissioners have also planned for route access with Route Alternatives 1, 2, 3, 4 which will impact critical wetlands, site on unstable soils unsuitable for road access, intend to build roads within a designated flood plain, create Idaho State land road access, and swap public Idaho lands to facilitate the access for heavy-haul trucks (170 per day), which will hugely impact the entire region.
HiTest Sands, Inc. cannot purchase State land, to obtain ownership of property described as Alternative 4 (land next to the Bonner County Dump on Highway 41) for the heavy-haul route, they will have to trade Idaho property deemed more desirable to the State of Idaho. This means that HiTest has probably already purchased or identified such a parcel and is probably in negotiations with the State of Idaho or has already completed the transaction. Heavy logging activity is currently underway on the Alternative 4 route parcel.
Pend Oreille County Commissioners have betrayed the public trust, having denied their involvement and direct participation in facilitating the transfer and sale of public land to a private foreign corporation, have consistently denied any knowledge of these activities of HiTest in public forums and questions, and have refused to directly and clearly answer specific questions on their enabling activities on behalf of HiTest Sands.
There has consistently appeared to be little sincere regard for the enormous amount of confusion, misrepresentation and misinformation being shared by the Commissioners and HiTest Sands to the public, the entire but unspoken, unstated but significant and serious health effects of silicon smelting operations, the long-lasting environmental impacts upon air, water, soil and the surrounding environment, or even how the deliberate attempts to "industrialize" a small mountain community can't in any possible way actually benefit the residents that live here.
To all appearances to the general public, County Commissioners appear to be working directly for HiTest Sands while giving only a pretense of representing the will of the people they were elected to serve. We believe that a severe breach of trust, mismanagement and ineptitude has transpired, causing irreparable harm to the town and entire community affected by the silicon smelter proposal.
This major disruption to our lives and well-being is already vast and extensive, encompassing already thousands of people in Pend Oreille and Bonner County (at least), with interested persons also concerned throughout both States. We note further that resistance in Golden, British Columbia, Usk Washington, Addy Washington was also on the official published record against a silicon smelter in those locations. This too has been broadly ignored by all participants and pretended as if it never happened.
We find the behavior of our elected representatives absolutely reprehensible and immoral and an abuse of the public trust and interest and believe it is in the best interests of the residents of Pend Oreille County that all three County Commissioner resign from office effective immediately; and that PUD General Manager Colin Willenbrock also immediately resign.
The land sale of all four public property parcels should be vacated, the transfer of funds should be returned to the buyer, and all activity related to the smelter site located above the town of Newport should cease immediately and forever.
We do not find it within the interest of well-being of the people of this county or the region to continue in any kind of a relationship, business or otherwise with HiTest Sands Inc., or the people that have tried to facilitate this toxic smelter into our region. This is not a desirable project for the people of Pend Oreille County or Washington State outside of a few, special vested interests of which we have none.
We ask the the People of the State of Washington, Pend Oreille County, the Kalispel Tribe and all the sovereign nations within these borders, the People of the State of Idaho, Bonner County and all other concerned parties and participants categorically refuse to be bullied, bamboozled, lied to and deceived about this project and how it will drastically affect the rural quality of life in these areas.
We have earnestly and sincerely sought to gain the support and attention of the people of this State, Pend Oreille County and Bonner County to fully grasp the fundamental risks, pollution, emissions and effects of silicon smelting operations, as documented and found throughout the entire world, only to be consistently ignored by elected officials within both States.
If we are going to be continued to be ignored, continued to be lied to, continued to have the public trust violated by our elected officials, continued to have the real facts misrepresented, continued to have our lives, our health, our air, water, soil and environment placed at risk, our questions and concerns remaining unanswered and unaddressed, we will resist.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Who Is HiTest? - The Other Men Behind the Name (Part II)
Who Is HiTest? - The Other Men Behind the Name (Part II)
More information has been found on the HiTest investors and officers and expenditures. This is a partial report of publicly available documents.
Silica Investments, Inc. invoiced Clark Builders for design services for the HiTest Silica Production Facility. Earlier documents obtained indicated that the plant has been under design for two years.
Several invoices have been obtained, with copies being sent to James Tymko of HiTest Sands.
12/31/2016 - $150,267.70
2/28/2017 - $65,734.41
3/31/2017 - $188,000.00
Progress to date (3/31/2017) was $404,002.11. What makes this interesting is it is pretty clear that HiTest has gone ahead and proceeded with design work before land was purchased (or located, allegedly).
Silica Investments, Inc., appears to be raising money for the HiTest Sands project. These are the directors, executive offices and promoters for Silica Investments, Inc.
Information obtained from SEDAR Form 45-106F1 Report of Exempt Distribution Filing (dates 6/8/2016, 10/11/2016, 12/12/2016, 4/24/2017).
You will need to enter in "Silica Investments, Inc." to search listings. You must have Acrobat Reader installed to download and view these documents properly.
John Carlson, Alberta - CEO, (D) (O) -
Jayson Loren Tymko, Alberta - (D) (O)
Glen Vinet, Alberta - (D)
John B. Carter, Nova Scotia - (D) (O)
Sunir Chandaria, Ontario - (D)
Michael Wilde, Alberta - (O)
D = Director
O = Executive Officer
Silica Investments was formed 9/26/2016.
Size of assets: $0 to under $5M.
SEDAR profile number: 00039006
Original share prices was fixed at $7.60 per Class "A" Common Share issued.
June 2016 Filing (dates apply to preceding quarter). 314,528 Shares @10.75. Total amount $3,206,540.36
October 2016 Filing Types of Securities Distributed: 98,684 Class "A" Shares @9.9690. Total amount $983,775.00
December 2016 Filing Types of Securities Distributed: 49,570 Class "A" shares @10.0870. Total amount $500,000.00
April 2017 Filing Types of Security distributed: 15,000 Class "A" shares @$10.0560. Total amount - $150,833.40. Total shares (if added together) - 477,782.
No additional Silica Investments, Inc. filings were found on SEDAR for summer or fall 2017.
Total funds raised $4,841,148.80 according to these reports. Total shares if added together are 477,782. That is an enormous amount of shares to my eyes, perhaps someone else can explain this.
This isn't even close to the required funds to build the proposed plant - or hardly enough to even pay for the road construction ($3.6 million just for the west access road for employee traffic from Highway 2).
There are many, many other "access" costs alone that will require significant funding and financial resources, including the heavy-haul west access road from Highway 41, power line transmission and water, sewer facilities.
SEDAR does not have any listings for HiTest Sands, Inc. or any combination thereof.
Glen Vinet - Silica Investments, Inc. Director
Vinco Management Inc., President
3920-44 Avenue Camrose, Alberta
Claims "Industrial Land Development".
Source 1
LinkedIn profile:
Facebook profile:
The closest match found points to a mini-storage facility address.
Possible connection to RE/MAX though Trevor Vinet who is a Development Manager at Vinco Management Inc. as of 2010. Trevor Vinet is a real estate agent with RE/MAX:
John B. Carter - Silica Investments Inc. Director / Chair of the Audit Committee
LinkedIn profile:
Retired as partner with Ernst & Young after 39 years, a "a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services." Source 1 Source 2
Sunir Chandaria - Silica Investments, Inc. Director
"Mr. Sunir Chandaria is the Co-Owner of Chandaria Family Holdings Inc. Mr. Chandaria has been the President of the LePage's 2000, Inc. division of Conros Corporation since 2009. Mr. Chandaria also represents Conros in a consortium of multinational companies that is exploring Information Communications Technology opportunities in Kigali, Rwanda, including the establishment of a regional data centre and IT infrastructure investment. He serves as a Director at Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation. He is a recipient of the Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award; he has since served on the Award's Board of Directors in Ontario and served as the inaugural Chairman of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Young Fellowship on its launch in 2008. He has been a Director of Xylitol Canada Inc. since September 7, 2017. Mr. Chandaria is also a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. Mr. Chandaria graduated from Upper Canada College as Head Boy and pursued his undergraduate studies in Economics and Management at Oxford University and holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from St. Peter's College in 2002." Source 1
Member of the Board of Directors Audit and Risk Management Committee Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Source 2
"Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) and its contract management companies employ nearly 17,000 people throughout the province. OLG is responsible for 24 gaming sites and sales of lottery products at approximately 9,800 retail locations across the province of Ontario. An Operational Enterprise of the Ministry of Finance, the Corporation is intended to provide gaming entertainment in an efficient and socially responsible manner that maximizes economic benefits for the people of Ontario, related economic sectors and host communities. Since 1975, OLG's activities have generated nearly $38 billion for the benefit of the Province of Ontario." Source 3
Appointed Director of Xylitol Canada Inc. Source 4
Michael Wilde - Silica Investments, Inc. Executive Officer
May be affiliated with Wilde and Company:
So far, it does not at all appear that either HiTest Sands, Inc., or Silica Investments, Inc. has the money to build the proposed silicon smelter. This, despite the strong opposition to the smelter locally, poses yet another significant problem for the entire community.
Where exactly is all the money going to come from?
I still don't know, but the other numbers that I've seen do indicate that a great deal of money will need to be brought to the table. The Washington State Grant requires a minimum private investment of $200 million. Public documents and reports allege $300 to $325 million will be brought in. That's a 33% difference - which is quite significant.
In any case, the real question should be "What money?". Since this has yet to be disclosed, we can only speculate and surmise what is really going on.
There is already strong indications that both State and Federal funds will be sought to build the plant, which is another huge red flag to me. Weren't we told that this was going to be outside, private investments by this Canadian firm? Why then would either the State's (Idaho is now very much a part of this process) or the U.S. Federal Government help fund a private, foreign company?
If the States get more involved, or the Federal Government is involved in funding any more of this project, that really means YOU are paying for this smelter in your backyard.
That's absolutely ridiculous - and insane.
There are other sources of financial "burdens" headed our way too, like higher property taxes, and higher electrical power rates. This isn't hyperbole either, it's been brought up several times now.
One way or the other, it is the people of this community that are expected to pay for this.
Angry yet? These people expect us to pay for the privilege of sucking in their toxic pollution.
More information has been found on the HiTest investors and officers and expenditures. This is a partial report of publicly available documents.
Silica Investments, Inc. invoiced Clark Builders for design services for the HiTest Silica Production Facility. Earlier documents obtained indicated that the plant has been under design for two years.
Several invoices have been obtained, with copies being sent to James Tymko of HiTest Sands.
12/31/2016 - $150,267.70
2/28/2017 - $65,734.41
3/31/2017 - $188,000.00
Progress to date (3/31/2017) was $404,002.11. What makes this interesting is it is pretty clear that HiTest has gone ahead and proceeded with design work before land was purchased (or located, allegedly).
Silica Investments, Inc., appears to be raising money for the HiTest Sands project. These are the directors, executive offices and promoters for Silica Investments, Inc.
Information obtained from SEDAR Form 45-106F1 Report of Exempt Distribution Filing (dates 6/8/2016, 10/11/2016, 12/12/2016, 4/24/2017).
You will need to enter in "Silica Investments, Inc." to search listings. You must have Acrobat Reader installed to download and view these documents properly.
John Carlson, Alberta - CEO, (D) (O) -
Jayson Loren Tymko, Alberta - (D) (O)
Glen Vinet, Alberta - (D)
John B. Carter, Nova Scotia - (D) (O)
Sunir Chandaria, Ontario - (D)
Michael Wilde, Alberta - (O)
D = Director
O = Executive Officer
Silica Investments was formed 9/26/2016.
Size of assets: $0 to under $5M.
SEDAR profile number: 00039006
Original share prices was fixed at $7.60 per Class "A" Common Share issued.
June 2016 Filing (dates apply to preceding quarter). 314,528 Shares @10.75. Total amount $3,206,540.36
October 2016 Filing Types of Securities Distributed: 98,684 Class "A" Shares @9.9690. Total amount $983,775.00
December 2016 Filing Types of Securities Distributed: 49,570 Class "A" shares @10.0870. Total amount $500,000.00
April 2017 Filing Types of Security distributed: 15,000 Class "A" shares @$10.0560. Total amount - $150,833.40. Total shares (if added together) - 477,782.
No additional Silica Investments, Inc. filings were found on SEDAR for summer or fall 2017.
Total funds raised $4,841,148.80 according to these reports. Total shares if added together are 477,782. That is an enormous amount of shares to my eyes, perhaps someone else can explain this.
This isn't even close to the required funds to build the proposed plant - or hardly enough to even pay for the road construction ($3.6 million just for the west access road for employee traffic from Highway 2).
There are many, many other "access" costs alone that will require significant funding and financial resources, including the heavy-haul west access road from Highway 41, power line transmission and water, sewer facilities.
SEDAR does not have any listings for HiTest Sands, Inc. or any combination thereof.
Glen Vinet - Silica Investments, Inc. Director
Vinco Management Inc., President
3920-44 Avenue Camrose, Alberta
Claims "Industrial Land Development".
Source 1
LinkedIn profile:
Facebook profile:
The closest match found points to a mini-storage facility address.
Possible connection to RE/MAX though Trevor Vinet who is a Development Manager at Vinco Management Inc. as of 2010. Trevor Vinet is a real estate agent with RE/MAX:
John B. Carter - Silica Investments Inc. Director / Chair of the Audit Committee
LinkedIn profile:
Retired as partner with Ernst & Young after 39 years, a "a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services." Source 1 Source 2
Sunir Chandaria - Silica Investments, Inc. Director
"Mr. Sunir Chandaria is the Co-Owner of Chandaria Family Holdings Inc. Mr. Chandaria has been the President of the LePage's 2000, Inc. division of Conros Corporation since 2009. Mr. Chandaria also represents Conros in a consortium of multinational companies that is exploring Information Communications Technology opportunities in Kigali, Rwanda, including the establishment of a regional data centre and IT infrastructure investment. He serves as a Director at Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation. He is a recipient of the Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award; he has since served on the Award's Board of Directors in Ontario and served as the inaugural Chairman of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Young Fellowship on its launch in 2008. He has been a Director of Xylitol Canada Inc. since September 7, 2017. Mr. Chandaria is also a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. Mr. Chandaria graduated from Upper Canada College as Head Boy and pursued his undergraduate studies in Economics and Management at Oxford University and holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from St. Peter's College in 2002." Source 1
Member of the Board of Directors Audit and Risk Management Committee Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Source 2
"Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) and its contract management companies employ nearly 17,000 people throughout the province. OLG is responsible for 24 gaming sites and sales of lottery products at approximately 9,800 retail locations across the province of Ontario. An Operational Enterprise of the Ministry of Finance, the Corporation is intended to provide gaming entertainment in an efficient and socially responsible manner that maximizes economic benefits for the people of Ontario, related economic sectors and host communities. Since 1975, OLG's activities have generated nearly $38 billion for the benefit of the Province of Ontario." Source 3
Appointed Director of Xylitol Canada Inc. Source 4
Michael Wilde - Silica Investments, Inc. Executive Officer
May be affiliated with Wilde and Company:
So far, it does not at all appear that either HiTest Sands, Inc., or Silica Investments, Inc. has the money to build the proposed silicon smelter. This, despite the strong opposition to the smelter locally, poses yet another significant problem for the entire community.
Where exactly is all the money going to come from?
I still don't know, but the other numbers that I've seen do indicate that a great deal of money will need to be brought to the table. The Washington State Grant requires a minimum private investment of $200 million. Public documents and reports allege $300 to $325 million will be brought in. That's a 33% difference - which is quite significant.
In any case, the real question should be "What money?". Since this has yet to be disclosed, we can only speculate and surmise what is really going on.
There is already strong indications that both State and Federal funds will be sought to build the plant, which is another huge red flag to me. Weren't we told that this was going to be outside, private investments by this Canadian firm? Why then would either the State's (Idaho is now very much a part of this process) or the U.S. Federal Government help fund a private, foreign company?
If the States get more involved, or the Federal Government is involved in funding any more of this project, that really means YOU are paying for this smelter in your backyard.
That's absolutely ridiculous - and insane.
There are other sources of financial "burdens" headed our way too, like higher property taxes, and higher electrical power rates. This isn't hyperbole either, it's been brought up several times now.
One way or the other, it is the people of this community that are expected to pay for this.
Angry yet? These people expect us to pay for the privilege of sucking in their toxic pollution.
Monday, November 13, 2017
The Land Evidence - Early On
The Land Evidence - Early On
What follows is the meeting minutes of Pend Oreille County Commissioners and their decision to sell public land property for the benefit of HiTest Sands, Inc.
Back in April, 2017 - long before the land sale by the Pend Oreille Utility District (PUD), a public land parcel was transferred to the PUD at tax appraised value. The Commissioners actions are documented in the public record, April 24-25, 2017.
From the Commissioners Meeting, April 24, 2017 Minutes (pdf document - see April 25th)
Is the land sale then even legal? That's highly doubtful according to Washington law. It's also clear that they knew early on exactly where HiTest Sands, Inc. was going to propose building the silicon smelter, and even this information was withheld from the public for months.
The Commissioners also knowingly questioned the legality of this land sale as the record demonstrates in April, inquiring specifically into the issue of future litigation.
Then, on 6/20/2017 - the Commissioners went on to publicly claim that the land was "land-locked" when it clearly wasn't (as justification for the sale).
The land was then sold - without public involvement or meeting, to the PUD who then, just six weeks later, turned around and sold this land in a exclusive package deal to HiTest Sands.
Most likely, both agencies are simply hoping there isn't a legal challenge to these shenanigans.
I wonder how much money has been set aside in the County budget to fight off a lawsuit over this?
As previously documented (see 6/20/2017 link above), the PUD also sold the land to HiTest Sands, Inc., without public involvement, participation or a required auction on the bundled land package, so that's twice that the people of Pend Oreille County were deliberately left out of the process. And kept in the dark.
There is clear evidence of malfeasance here by the Commissioners and PUD.
This information needs to go to the Attorney General's Office immediately. There is every appearance here that both land sales were done illegally, in violation of the public trust and their oaths of office, making the site proposed by HiTest Sands, Inc., also illegal.
HiTest needs to go back to the drawing board to find another site for their toxic smelter. The land they "bought" here does not appear to be legally transferred from the public domain into private hands. There is no doubt that if the public had been involved, this would have never happened.
What follows is the meeting minutes of Pend Oreille County Commissioners and their decision to sell public land property for the benefit of HiTest Sands, Inc.
Back in April, 2017 - long before the land sale by the Pend Oreille Utility District (PUD), a public land parcel was transferred to the PUD at tax appraised value. The Commissioners actions are documented in the public record, April 24-25, 2017.
From the Commissioners Meeting, April 24, 2017 Minutes (pdf document - see April 25th)
(15) The Board convened in executive session regarding the potential sale of real estate pursuant to RCW 42.30.11(1)(c) for 30 minutes from 2:25 to 2:55 p.m. Also present were D. Hunt and Planning Consultant Gregg Dohrn. T. Miller joined the meeting at 2:50 p.m K. Skoog requested an additional 30 minutes to 3:25 pm.Some things to clarify what happened back in April -
(18) Motion was made by M. Manus to pursue a potential agreement with the PUD on the sale of a 14-acre parcel of land south of Newport. Motion was seconded by K. Skoog. Motion carried unanimously.
(19) The Board convened in executive session regarding potential litigation pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) from 10 minutes from 3:30 p.m. to 3:40 p.m. Also present was D. Hunt.
- An executive session is private session (no members of the public permitted). Nobody else was allowed in the room during these discussion, or allowed any input. The Commissioners and Hunt spent an hour discussing how to perform this land sale. For a single, 14 acre parcel.
- Section RCW 42.30.11(1)(c) states -
“(c) To consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price. However, final action selling or leasing public property shall be taken in a meeting open to the public;”
- There has never been any “public meeting” regarding the selling of the land sold to the PUD. The Commissioners, led by Manus, agreed to pursue the sale to the PUD without public involvement. The non-involvement continued for MONTHS.
- d) They even discussed the likelihood of future litigation arising from this activity of theirs, as RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) states -
(i) To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency matters relating to agency enforcement actions, or to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency.
Is the land sale then even legal? That's highly doubtful according to Washington law. It's also clear that they knew early on exactly where HiTest Sands, Inc. was going to propose building the silicon smelter, and even this information was withheld from the public for months.
The Commissioners also knowingly questioned the legality of this land sale as the record demonstrates in April, inquiring specifically into the issue of future litigation.
Then, on 6/20/2017 - the Commissioners went on to publicly claim that the land was "land-locked" when it clearly wasn't (as justification for the sale).
The land was then sold - without public involvement or meeting, to the PUD who then, just six weeks later, turned around and sold this land in a exclusive package deal to HiTest Sands.
Most likely, both agencies are simply hoping there isn't a legal challenge to these shenanigans.
I wonder how much money has been set aside in the County budget to fight off a lawsuit over this?
As previously documented (see 6/20/2017 link above), the PUD also sold the land to HiTest Sands, Inc., without public involvement, participation or a required auction on the bundled land package, so that's twice that the people of Pend Oreille County were deliberately left out of the process. And kept in the dark.
There is clear evidence of malfeasance here by the Commissioners and PUD.
This information needs to go to the Attorney General's Office immediately. There is every appearance here that both land sales were done illegally, in violation of the public trust and their oaths of office, making the site proposed by HiTest Sands, Inc., also illegal.
HiTest needs to go back to the drawing board to find another site for their toxic smelter. The land they "bought" here does not appear to be legally transferred from the public domain into private hands. There is no doubt that if the public had been involved, this would have never happened.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Class 1 Air Quality Protection & Weather Modeling
Class 1 Air Quality Protection & Weather Modeling
The proposed HiTest Sands, Inc., silicon smelter is proposed to be sited within just 34 miles to the Spokane Indian Reservation Class 1 Air Quality protection area.
This map will show the Washington Class 1 Areas.
The actual by-air distance from the proposed smelter site in Newport to the Spokane Indian Reservation is only 34 miles.
The Kalispel Tribe in Usk has applied for Class 1 Air Quality protection, which is under 20 miles away from the proposed site.
There has been speculation and rumor regarding whether or not these Class 1 designations will help prohibit the construction of the silicon smelter in Newport. The answer is no.
Instead, the proposed smelter must be constructed to meet higher emissions standards (which in rural areas, is generally Class II). This is actually good news - on paper. Design of the plant and emissions that are projected to be released must be lower to meet nearby Class I air standards. If the plant is ever built - the higher emissions standards will be better for the community and health of humans and the environment.
Now for the "gotchas" which you may have already detected. The PSD permit will be required by HiTest to meet the higher emission standards (lower emissions by 90% then Class II). HiTest is currently modeling how this might be done. This is the modeling that they will use to demonstrate their ability to meet the higher emission standards.
The problem here is the modeling is supposed to be based upon accurate and valid data - of which none actually exists for this particular location. This poses some problems. So instead of being able to use site specific data sets for this location, they will use Weather Research & Forecasting Models (WRF), which are existing data sets from other areas.
Models are simulations - computer generated simulations. They are not live measurements on site, and are often based upon older or even incomplete data sets. They attempt to project atmospheric conditions and dispersion patterns for what is expected to be really experienced for this particular site and region. But they are not fool-proof or without their known issues.
Modeling data sets are constantly being updated, but this isn't all-inclusive updates for all regions and areas. Climate change, for example, has played havoc upon modeling data sets which were based upon previously expected climatic patterns, seasonal variations and winds. Huge disruptions in the jet stream have caused some data sets to be considered out-of-date and inaccurate. Disruptions in precipitation (rain and snow) along with extended periods of droughts and even an increase in forest fires have "disrupted" modeling data sets for their presumed accuracy.
Unfortunately, this describes the conditions for Newport, which has in fact experienced all of the above effects. This area has seen significant changes occur, with the real "true" seasons of spring, summer, fall and winter shifting away from historical norms. Precipitation rates and amounts have also shifted, with extensive periods of "weather stalling" also occurring.
Model accuracy and issues with current data sets has long been known. This commentary is from several years ago -
Newport does not have any weather monitoring stations. The closest one is in Deer Park, WA. There are significant difference between the actual weather (wind, rain, snow, inversions, temperatures) found in Newport versus Deer Park. The differences are quite large as anyone who has lived in either location can easily attest to. You can actually "see" the storm clouds over Newport from Spokane. Our weather here is very different then Spokane - or Deer Park.
The earlier Preliminary Air Quality Report performed for Hi Test Sands, Inc. was based upon Deer Park data, and it was demonstrably wrong. Now, Hi Test will be trying to model using the WRF data, but once again, this does not represent local conditions either.
Reliance upon the WRF means that modeling alone will be used as the projected weather and wind patterns and emission dispersion from the silicon smelter. Personally, I do not find this the least bit adequate or sufficient having had a fair bit of experience with how data sets are generated, maintained and updated. A modeling "bias" is introduced during many steps of the process, which can omit, average or reduce valuations in the data set that could have been avoided if there had been actual weather data available.
Another, more current modeling accuracy estimate (May 2016, published Feb. 2017)
Newport does not have this information, and neither do any of the towns that will be affected by air pollution from the smelter.
WRF data sets have latitude, seasonal, and diurnal variations that can lead to fairly significant accuracy issues when (if available), compared to actual, real measurements. Modeling is in effect, just that - a "model" and should not be considered a fully accurate representation of what is happening locally.
The Pend Oreille River Valley is surrounded by mountains that funnel wind and weather precipitation in several directions (north west / east over Oldtown, Priest River, Laclede, Dover to Sandpoint and Sagle). There are also other valleys and towns in the immediate region for consideration of air dispersal of known plant emissions: Hoodoo, Blanchard & Spirit Lake, north up through Usk, Cusick, Ione and Metaline Falls.
To be fair, all of the river valleys and occupied population areas throughout the entire region can act like funnels for pollution, smoke, fog and precipitation. It's not rocket science to grasp what this means: these are the locations where the toxic plant pollution will also bio-accumulate.
But there are more, dispersed by higher winds which everyone here knows are constantly shifting here. Even Priest Lake, Bead Lake, Marshall Lake, NoName and Sullivan and many other of the thousands of water bodies, streams and creeks which lie in topographical pockets throughout the region will be subjected to accumulating pollutants and contaminants from the plant. These critical water bodies are part of the watershed and riparian environments that make this region what it is. "Modeling" does not represent this topography and features like it should and never will.
Reliance on WRF models versus actual weather monitoring stations can omit local topographical effects and regional patterns affecting weather and air patterns. It can be snowing or raining in the Newport area, but bone dry in Deer Park (closest weather station). The topography here is radically different then Deer Park and has large effect upon localized weather variations and how toxic pollutants will actually be dispersed.
HiTest Sands, Inc. will be relying upon WRF data sets and air quality dispersion models generated. As previously shared, this attempt at air quality permitting is unsuitable for this area and should be rejected by every Washington and Idaho State and County agency, as an accurate measurements on the toxic air pollution and dispersal caused by the silicon smelter plant.
So far, in virtually all of the public documentation, announcements and materials available to the public, HiTest has refused to even mention the actual and known emissions that the plant will produce. That can only be deliberate now. You can only find out about this stuff if you dig into the all the machinations going on behind the scenes - what they don't want you to know about, and what they still won't admit to.
Pend Oreille County Commissioners (and now some in Idaho) are parroting the same blanket denials. This is not accidental, but a deliberate attempt to make it appear that there are no toxic emissions, which isn't even remotely true. This is part of the false narrative they are desperately trying to perpetuate.
There will be significant levels of air pollution that will affect nearby towns and the region. Silicon smelting is still a toxic industry. Thousands of tons of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter too tiny for the human eye to see, will rain down upon the region.
Every. Single. Day. For Decades. You will wake up to this crap in the morning, and you will go to sleep at night still breathing it in as it works its slow deadly effects on your health, your life and the environment.
Air quality modeling is supposed to measure how these toxins are all going to be "dispersed", and to some degree "predict" where it might come down, but we know the answer well-enough already. The air dispersal of pollutants and the wind, rain, snow and fog in this region means it's coming down everywhere.
The term "dispersed" doesn't meant they've gone away either, it means that these toxins have been "spread out". They are still there - they're just now found everywhere.
None of these gasses and particulates are safe, and the only way to prevent long-term harm is to simply not emit them in the first place.
Lacking an actual weather monitoring station and accurate data sets means that this is all just guesswork for this particular region. This has some people seriously alarmed because without accurate data and without the public acknowledgement of actual emissions, the long-term health effects to human health and environmental health remain shrouded in deceit and inadmission and misrepresentation. This is exactly what happened in Burnsville, MS too, and the air modeling used for their permitting to this date remains suspect. But the plant was built anyway.
For some "mysterious" reasons, our public officials have gone on pretending that a smelter sited immediately above a densely populated town, right next to a watershed and major interstate river environment, will "not pollute". This denial absolutely boggles the mind of any clear thinking person. In effect, they are simply ignoring the real issue which is the future survival of this town and community, which has already had to struggle with other pollution sources for years.
We don't need more industrialized pollutant sources here - certainly none that will layer thousands of tons down every year over the forests, water and inhabited areas, and enter into our homes, schools and businesses.
What they are proposing for our region is simply insane - an industrial polluting source right over the town, in exchange for "promised" commercial receipts and a handful of jobs. But is that the real story here? Or is the sacrificing of this town and the region covering something else?
I've now come to learn that the official narrative is just the tip of the iceberg on what is actually going on here. The real story here hasn't been told.
There are people out there who know more - you are encouraged to make contact. Help us by helping where you can. Let's get the real story out on what is actually happening here.
The proposed HiTest Sands, Inc., silicon smelter is proposed to be sited within just 34 miles to the Spokane Indian Reservation Class 1 Air Quality protection area.
This map will show the Washington Class 1 Areas.

The actual by-air distance from the proposed smelter site in Newport to the Spokane Indian Reservation is only 34 miles.

The Kalispel Tribe in Usk has applied for Class 1 Air Quality protection, which is under 20 miles away from the proposed site.
There has been speculation and rumor regarding whether or not these Class 1 designations will help prohibit the construction of the silicon smelter in Newport. The answer is no.
Instead, the proposed smelter must be constructed to meet higher emissions standards (which in rural areas, is generally Class II). This is actually good news - on paper. Design of the plant and emissions that are projected to be released must be lower to meet nearby Class I air standards. If the plant is ever built - the higher emissions standards will be better for the community and health of humans and the environment.
Now for the "gotchas" which you may have already detected. The PSD permit will be required by HiTest to meet the higher emission standards (lower emissions by 90% then Class II). HiTest is currently modeling how this might be done. This is the modeling that they will use to demonstrate their ability to meet the higher emission standards.
The problem here is the modeling is supposed to be based upon accurate and valid data - of which none actually exists for this particular location. This poses some problems. So instead of being able to use site specific data sets for this location, they will use Weather Research & Forecasting Models (WRF), which are existing data sets from other areas.
Models are simulations - computer generated simulations. They are not live measurements on site, and are often based upon older or even incomplete data sets. They attempt to project atmospheric conditions and dispersion patterns for what is expected to be really experienced for this particular site and region. But they are not fool-proof or without their known issues.
Modeling data sets are constantly being updated, but this isn't all-inclusive updates for all regions and areas. Climate change, for example, has played havoc upon modeling data sets which were based upon previously expected climatic patterns, seasonal variations and winds. Huge disruptions in the jet stream have caused some data sets to be considered out-of-date and inaccurate. Disruptions in precipitation (rain and snow) along with extended periods of droughts and even an increase in forest fires have "disrupted" modeling data sets for their presumed accuracy.
Unfortunately, this describes the conditions for Newport, which has in fact experienced all of the above effects. This area has seen significant changes occur, with the real "true" seasons of spring, summer, fall and winter shifting away from historical norms. Precipitation rates and amounts have also shifted, with extensive periods of "weather stalling" also occurring.
Model accuracy and issues with current data sets has long been known. This commentary is from several years ago -
The models are inaccurate due to a number of factors - The U.S. Government (NOAA) and educational institutions monitor the accuracy of models - The models are routinely tweaked by NOAA to increase accuracy - The U.S. GFS model is less accurate than the European ECMWF model - NOAA believes it may have found why and is working to change the GFSSince then, both computing power, data sets and additional research has helped to improve - but not perfect the modeling.
Newport does not have any weather monitoring stations. The closest one is in Deer Park, WA. There are significant difference between the actual weather (wind, rain, snow, inversions, temperatures) found in Newport versus Deer Park. The differences are quite large as anyone who has lived in either location can easily attest to. You can actually "see" the storm clouds over Newport from Spokane. Our weather here is very different then Spokane - or Deer Park.
The earlier Preliminary Air Quality Report performed for Hi Test Sands, Inc. was based upon Deer Park data, and it was demonstrably wrong. Now, Hi Test will be trying to model using the WRF data, but once again, this does not represent local conditions either.
Reliance upon the WRF means that modeling alone will be used as the projected weather and wind patterns and emission dispersion from the silicon smelter. Personally, I do not find this the least bit adequate or sufficient having had a fair bit of experience with how data sets are generated, maintained and updated. A modeling "bias" is introduced during many steps of the process, which can omit, average or reduce valuations in the data set that could have been avoided if there had been actual weather data available.
Another, more current modeling accuracy estimate (May 2016, published Feb. 2017)
The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was compared with daily surface observations to verify the accuracy of the WRF model in forecasting surface temperature, pressure, precipitation, wind speed, and direction. Daily forecasts for the following two days were produced at nine locations across southern Alberta, Canada. Model output was verified using station observations to determine the differences in forecast accuracy for each season.
Although there were seasonal differences in the WRF model, the summer season forecasts generally had the greatest accuracy, determined by the lowest root mean square errors, whereas the winter season forecasts were the least accurate. The WRF model generally produced skillful forecasts throughout the year although with a smaller diurnal temperature range than observed. The WRF model forecast the prevailing wind direction more accurately than other directions, but it tended to slightly overestimate precipitation amounts. A sensitivity analysis consisting of three microphysics schemes showed relatively minor differences between simulated precipitation as well as 2 m surface temperatures.
Verification of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model when Forecasting Daily Surface Conditions in Southern AlbertaIn this case, modeling had better seasonal accuracy (summer), but not winter, and perhaps most important of all - there was actual weather monitoring measurements (real data measurements vs modeled data) to compare against for the accuracy of the model.
Newport does not have this information, and neither do any of the towns that will be affected by air pollution from the smelter.
WRF data sets have latitude, seasonal, and diurnal variations that can lead to fairly significant accuracy issues when (if available), compared to actual, real measurements. Modeling is in effect, just that - a "model" and should not be considered a fully accurate representation of what is happening locally.
The Pend Oreille River Valley is surrounded by mountains that funnel wind and weather precipitation in several directions (north west / east over Oldtown, Priest River, Laclede, Dover to Sandpoint and Sagle). There are also other valleys and towns in the immediate region for consideration of air dispersal of known plant emissions: Hoodoo, Blanchard & Spirit Lake, north up through Usk, Cusick, Ione and Metaline Falls.
To be fair, all of the river valleys and occupied population areas throughout the entire region can act like funnels for pollution, smoke, fog and precipitation. It's not rocket science to grasp what this means: these are the locations where the toxic plant pollution will also bio-accumulate.
But there are more, dispersed by higher winds which everyone here knows are constantly shifting here. Even Priest Lake, Bead Lake, Marshall Lake, NoName and Sullivan and many other of the thousands of water bodies, streams and creeks which lie in topographical pockets throughout the region will be subjected to accumulating pollutants and contaminants from the plant. These critical water bodies are part of the watershed and riparian environments that make this region what it is. "Modeling" does not represent this topography and features like it should and never will.
Reliance on WRF models versus actual weather monitoring stations can omit local topographical effects and regional patterns affecting weather and air patterns. It can be snowing or raining in the Newport area, but bone dry in Deer Park (closest weather station). The topography here is radically different then Deer Park and has large effect upon localized weather variations and how toxic pollutants will actually be dispersed.
HiTest Sands, Inc. will be relying upon WRF data sets and air quality dispersion models generated. As previously shared, this attempt at air quality permitting is unsuitable for this area and should be rejected by every Washington and Idaho State and County agency, as an accurate measurements on the toxic air pollution and dispersal caused by the silicon smelter plant.
So far, in virtually all of the public documentation, announcements and materials available to the public, HiTest has refused to even mention the actual and known emissions that the plant will produce. That can only be deliberate now. You can only find out about this stuff if you dig into the all the machinations going on behind the scenes - what they don't want you to know about, and what they still won't admit to.
Pend Oreille County Commissioners (and now some in Idaho) are parroting the same blanket denials. This is not accidental, but a deliberate attempt to make it appear that there are no toxic emissions, which isn't even remotely true. This is part of the false narrative they are desperately trying to perpetuate.
There will be significant levels of air pollution that will affect nearby towns and the region. Silicon smelting is still a toxic industry. Thousands of tons of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter too tiny for the human eye to see, will rain down upon the region.
Every. Single. Day. For Decades. You will wake up to this crap in the morning, and you will go to sleep at night still breathing it in as it works its slow deadly effects on your health, your life and the environment.
Air quality modeling is supposed to measure how these toxins are all going to be "dispersed", and to some degree "predict" where it might come down, but we know the answer well-enough already. The air dispersal of pollutants and the wind, rain, snow and fog in this region means it's coming down everywhere.
The term "dispersed" doesn't meant they've gone away either, it means that these toxins have been "spread out". They are still there - they're just now found everywhere.
None of these gasses and particulates are safe, and the only way to prevent long-term harm is to simply not emit them in the first place.
Lacking an actual weather monitoring station and accurate data sets means that this is all just guesswork for this particular region. This has some people seriously alarmed because without accurate data and without the public acknowledgement of actual emissions, the long-term health effects to human health and environmental health remain shrouded in deceit and inadmission and misrepresentation. This is exactly what happened in Burnsville, MS too, and the air modeling used for their permitting to this date remains suspect. But the plant was built anyway.
For some "mysterious" reasons, our public officials have gone on pretending that a smelter sited immediately above a densely populated town, right next to a watershed and major interstate river environment, will "not pollute". This denial absolutely boggles the mind of any clear thinking person. In effect, they are simply ignoring the real issue which is the future survival of this town and community, which has already had to struggle with other pollution sources for years.
We don't need more industrialized pollutant sources here - certainly none that will layer thousands of tons down every year over the forests, water and inhabited areas, and enter into our homes, schools and businesses.
What they are proposing for our region is simply insane - an industrial polluting source right over the town, in exchange for "promised" commercial receipts and a handful of jobs. But is that the real story here? Or is the sacrificing of this town and the region covering something else?
I've now come to learn that the official narrative is just the tip of the iceberg on what is actually going on here. The real story here hasn't been told.
There are people out there who know more - you are encouraged to make contact. Help us by helping where you can. Let's get the real story out on what is actually happening here.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Who is HiTest? The Men Behind the Name
Who is HiTest? The Men Behind the Name
HiTest is a company that has seemingly appeared from thin air. Anyone who has navigated to their website will note that it consists of just a single page containing some rudimentary contact information. There is literally nothing published on their website about the company itself, nor its employees. Outside of the lone statement "Responsibly supplying Hi-quality silica" and a large photo of a mine, it couldn't be more vague if they tried (which clearly, they have).
Turning to Google then, one can do some digging and turn up a few facts regarding some of the key individuals who are involved with HiTest Sands:
Jason Tymko
Thus far, Tymko has largely been the public face of HiTest, and has been personally involved in several meetings with local county commisioners and other officials. There is this to say about his background:
Zedi is a rather large company with thousands of assets and a prolific customer base:
Tymko has a long history of being a director / partner of many companies, including partnering on one commercial failure, the Pink Army Cooperative, which was a crowdfunded company with the lofty idea of producing individually tailored cancer therapies; "3D-printed" viral engineering, if you will. Now, if that had taken off, that would have been great, but instead, we're now all wondering why Tymko is involved with a cancer-causing silicon plant.
You can, in fact, find Tymko's name attached to many entities, including:
John Carlson
Similar to Tymko, Carlson shares some of the same history (emphasis mine):
James B. May (AKA Jim May)
James May (not to be confused with the James May of BBC fame) has been very prolific in the silicon industry, with nearly 30 years of investment into it - a few of these companies were also founded by him:
Lumen Solar LLC has an informative section on Jim May:
You will no doubt by now have noted that Jim May has an extensive history of working with China - over 16+ years - and is himself fluent in Chinese. In fact:
Digging further, one finds that Contel had changed its name to the "W Corporation Limited" in 2013. In August of 2014, the W Corporation Limited was acquired by the Yuuzoo Corporation in a reverse merger transaction.
Yuuzoo has seemingly little relevance to the Silicon industry as well:
But if there is any key takeaway from any of these often byzantine connections, it is this: if you account for all the companies and individuals thus far reported on, there are literally millions of dollars involved - if not potentially billions.
There are undoubtedly additional players and persons unknown who are involved in HiTest. One must also consider whether any of these companies or individuals may have engaged in campaign contributions or have been funding pro-industry advocacy groups - all of which are questions that beget further investigation.
Somehow, seemingly "out of the blue" a new company called HiTest Sands, Inc. was created just a few years ago, with what appears to be the sole purpose of exploiting the Horse Creek Mine for silica sand, all which requires a silicon smelter to located "somewhere" (else, since Golden, B.C. rejected it). This monstrosity has now landed here, at least for the moment, causing a massive lasting disruption throughout the entire region.
But who are these people? What is their specific interest in this plant, this location, the potential profits to be made from silicon smelting, and their connections to REC smelter in Moses Lake?
What is their financial stability on a multi-million dollar plant proposal? Who are their investors? What happens if they pull out or somehow fail to complete their project here? What would that do to our town? This review is but the tip of the iceberg. There are numerous, unanswered questions that need further investigation.
What is important for the city of Newport, Pend Oreille County and Washington State to remember is - exactly who are the people that are trying to foist this smelter upon this community? What do they represent? There are clear connections to multi-national corporations, big business and huge sums of money. They've been extremely closed lip and not forthcoming about their proposed project, which has been a huge public relations disaster and with good cause - this community knows almost nothing about this new company or what they really intend to do. It's high time to turn the spotlight on them.
How is it that our elected representatives have even gotten this far without understanding and knowing who they are getting in bed with? They've professed near-total ignorance about HiTest and the players involved. We really do not have any sound reasons to trust them at this point in time, especially considering all the information we have uncovered so far that absolutely refutes their claims and assurances that our community, our health, our well-being and the environment will be safe from the effects of silicon smelting.
It appears to a great many of us that they are simply interested in raking in profits and have virtually no stake, no interest and no real concerns at all for what happens to this community. If this is all true - how can this be good for any of us in this corner of the world? Are we about to be wiped out by more industrialists?
Our community is about to be devastated by a nuclear blast and it would be good for us all to really know who this "neighbor" is that keeps trying to come here and what they really represent.
HiTest is a company that has seemingly appeared from thin air. Anyone who has navigated to their website will note that it consists of just a single page containing some rudimentary contact information. There is literally nothing published on their website about the company itself, nor its employees. Outside of the lone statement "Responsibly supplying Hi-quality silica" and a large photo of a mine, it couldn't be more vague if they tried (which clearly, they have).
Turning to Google then, one can do some digging and turn up a few facts regarding some of the key individuals who are involved with HiTest Sands:
- James (AKA Jim) May, Founder and Chief Operating Officer
- Jason Tymko, President
- John Carlson, Co Founder and Vice President
Jason Tymko
Thus far, Tymko has largely been the public face of HiTest, and has been personally involved in several meetings with local county commisioners and other officials. There is this to say about his background:
"Prior to forming J2 Capital Corp. in September 2008, Jason Tymko was a spirited entrepreneur. In 2000, he was named by the National Post as one of Canada's top 25 "Up and Comers" for his work in Menex Technologies, a company he founded which was devoted to building artificial intelligence to optimize gas well production and monitoring services. Other accomplishments include co-founding Galahad & Associates Inc., a company focused on automating business processes and designing and building internet enabled computer networks, where he acted as Director of Operations from 1993-1996. Jason is also involved at the Director/Partner level of Pink Army and Ideal Contract Services, as well is a director/partner of Nickel Financial, a company designed to bring together First Nations bands to create a united front to lobby the Provincial Government to grant new gaming licenses to First Nations, and are the owners of the gaming licenses of River Cree Resort (Enoch) and Eagle River Resort (Alexis/Whitecourt). Jason is a music enthusiast and enjoys spending as much time as possible with his wife and daughter."
Source: to Jayson Tymko's LinkdIn profile, he is also listed as Director of Operations at Zedi Solutions Inc.. Oddly, there is no mention of HiTest on there or any other employment history.
Zedi is a rather large company with thousands of assets and a prolific customer base:
"Zedi Inc. (Zedi) is an Oil and Gas service provider. Zedi is specialized in providing production operations management. It delivers systems and services to Oil and Gas producers for better management of people, assets and information. Zedi has around 300 upstream, midstream and oilfield services customers. Majority of the customers to the company are from Western Canada. It monitors 36,000 sites and manages around 200,000 assets. The company is headquartered at Calgary in Alberta, Canada. Zedi provides its services and solutions through four lines of business Zedi Surveillance, Zedi Optimization, Zedi Production Applications, Zedi Field Operations."
Source: many of their multi-million dollar acquisitions is the purchase of Menex Technologies for $6.16 million.
Tymko has a long history of being a director / partner of many companies, including partnering on one commercial failure, the Pink Army Cooperative, which was a crowdfunded company with the lofty idea of producing individually tailored cancer therapies; "3D-printed" viral engineering, if you will. Now, if that had taken off, that would have been great, but instead, we're now all wondering why Tymko is involved with a cancer-causing silicon plant.
You can, in fact, find Tymko's name attached to many entities, including:
- J2 Capital Corp.
- Zedi Inc.
- Nickel Financial
- Galahad & Associates Inc.
- Ideal Contract Services
- Alberta Centre for Advanced Microsystems and Nanotechnology Products
- Pink Army Cooperative
- Menex Technologies
John Carlson
Similar to Tymko, Carlson shares some of the same history (emphasis mine):
"John Carlson completed his education at Point Loma College, San Diego, California in Business Communication. He was inducted into the President's Club at National Bank where he worked as an Investment advisor from 1999-2007 and was a Sr. Investment Advisor at Canaccord Capital Corp. from 2008-2009 before starting J2 Capital Corp in September 2008. John is also co-founder and still involved with VERDEX Energy Solutions, a company focused on developing turn-key solutions for oil & gas generation, as well as Pink Army, a member owned, open source bio technology firm focused on drug development for breast cancer. John is involved at the Director level of Rotating Energy Services, a company focused on natural gas compression, as well as Ideal Contract Services, a 300 employee drywall/painting subcontracting company. When John is not busy at work he enjoys spending time with his wife and son at their lake cottage"
Source: Energy Solutions is a Philippines based "Solar energy service".
James B. May (AKA Jim May)
James May (not to be confused with the James May of BBC fame) has been very prolific in the silicon industry, with nearly 30 years of investment into it - a few of these companies were also founded by him:
- HiTest Sand Inc. - Founder / Chief Operating Officer
- Gerson-Lehman Group - Top 2% Consultant
- Midland Silicon Company LLC - Chairman / CEO
- May Global Business Group Inc. - Chairman / CEO
- Lumen Solar LLC - Co-Founder / Subsidiary of May Global Business Group
- The Silicon Solutions Joint Venture LLC - President / CEO
- Dow Corning - Global Silicon Product Line Director
- Dow Corning Silicon Energy Systems Inc. - President / CEO
- May Engineering
- Foote Mineral Company - Plant Manager
Lumen Solar LLC has an informative section on Jim May:
"In 1998, Jim May founded Midland Silicon Company LLC and in 2007 created May Global Business Group as a parent company to the two subsidiaries. May Engineering provides consulting and market research on the global solar and silicon industries; Midland Silicon sells metallurgical and poly-silicon products, and May Global handles international solar sourcing and product development. The annual sales of May Global and its subsidiaries exceeds $30 million, with over 100,000 tons of silicon metal products sold to date."See also:
You will no doubt by now have noted that Jim May has an extensive history of working with China - over 16+ years - and is himself fluent in Chinese. In fact:
"Midland Silicon Company LLC and Midland Silicon Shanghai Trading Company Ltd (Collectively "MSC") are part of Silex Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Contel Corporation, a Singapore listed (SGX) company. MSC was formed in 1998 by James May. Its purpose is to supply high quality silicon and manganese based metal produced in China to customers around the world. MSC has become a leading global supplier of critical feed-stocks to the steel, solar energy, aluminum and silicones industries."The Silex Group has Jim May listed as President:
"Silex Group Limited distributes silicon metal, solar grade silica, and other products. The company is based in British Virgin Islands. As of December 12, 2014, Silex Group Limited operates as a subsidiary of May Global Business Group Inc."Of interesting note, the Silex Group is based in the British Virgin Islands, which is a well established (if not infamous) tax haven for business. Some of the many benefits of hosting a company in the Virgin Islands are:
- 0% corporate tax
- 0% capital gains tax
- 0% profit tax
- 0% gift tax
- 0% sales tax / Value Added Tax
- 0% inheritance tax
- No stamp duty except for land transactions in the British Virgin Islands itself
- No restrictions on doing business anywhere in the world
- Ability to transfer and repatriate money without fees
- No currency exchange fees or limitations
- No
need to publicise company directors, officers, owners or shareholders
"Contel Corporation Limited is engaged in the manufacture and sale of digital media products. The company was incorporated in Bermuda in March 2005 under the name Contel Digital Entertainment Limited. It has its headquarters located in Shenzhen Province, People’s Republic of China. It has branch offices in the United States, Europe, Japan, Singapore and other parts of Asia undertaking marketing, sales and after sales services to customers.
Contel designs and manufactures its products for consumer electronics companies in the United States, Europe and Japan. It distributes its products through major retailers, such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Circuit City. Its products include Net-DVD player, iBox, DVD recordable player, walking cinema, HD-DVD player, digital DVD home theater, and personal media player."And much like the British Virgin Islands, Bermuda has often been listed as among the worlds "worst corporate tax havens" by NGO Oxfam.
Digging further, one finds that Contel had changed its name to the "W Corporation Limited" in 2013. In August of 2014, the W Corporation Limited was acquired by the Yuuzoo Corporation in a reverse merger transaction.
Yuuzoo has seemingly little relevance to the Silicon industry as well:
"YuuZoo Corporation Limited, an investment holding company, engages in social networking, e-commerce, payments, and gaming businesses in Singapore and internationally. It operates through two segments, Network Development and Franchise Sales; and E-Commerce. The Network Development and Franchise Sales segment is primarily involved in building mobile-optimized device agnostic that targets social e-commerce networks for businesses and consumers. This segment also sells franchise and marketing rights. The E-Commerce segment provides a range of services for online mobile transactions, including payment processing, advertising, mobile social games, and other online transactions. The company also offers YuuPay, a payment solution for online merchants or retailers; and YuuWallet, an electronic wallet. In addition, it provides data processing, hosting, and related services, as well as network development services; and advertising, and business and management consultancy services. YuuZoo Corporation Limited is headquartered in Singapore."What is not presently known, is how much involvement Jim May has with some of these companies. Per his LinkedIn profile, he is still listed as "Presently Employed" (at high level positions, no less) with Midland Silicon Company LLC, May Global Business Group, and of course, HiTest Sands.
But if there is any key takeaway from any of these often byzantine connections, it is this: if you account for all the companies and individuals thus far reported on, there are literally millions of dollars involved - if not potentially billions.
There are undoubtedly additional players and persons unknown who are involved in HiTest. One must also consider whether any of these companies or individuals may have engaged in campaign contributions or have been funding pro-industry advocacy groups - all of which are questions that beget further investigation.
Somehow, seemingly "out of the blue" a new company called HiTest Sands, Inc. was created just a few years ago, with what appears to be the sole purpose of exploiting the Horse Creek Mine for silica sand, all which requires a silicon smelter to located "somewhere" (else, since Golden, B.C. rejected it). This monstrosity has now landed here, at least for the moment, causing a massive lasting disruption throughout the entire region.
But who are these people? What is their specific interest in this plant, this location, the potential profits to be made from silicon smelting, and their connections to REC smelter in Moses Lake?
What is their financial stability on a multi-million dollar plant proposal? Who are their investors? What happens if they pull out or somehow fail to complete their project here? What would that do to our town? This review is but the tip of the iceberg. There are numerous, unanswered questions that need further investigation.
What is important for the city of Newport, Pend Oreille County and Washington State to remember is - exactly who are the people that are trying to foist this smelter upon this community? What do they represent? There are clear connections to multi-national corporations, big business and huge sums of money. They've been extremely closed lip and not forthcoming about their proposed project, which has been a huge public relations disaster and with good cause - this community knows almost nothing about this new company or what they really intend to do. It's high time to turn the spotlight on them.
How is it that our elected representatives have even gotten this far without understanding and knowing who they are getting in bed with? They've professed near-total ignorance about HiTest and the players involved. We really do not have any sound reasons to trust them at this point in time, especially considering all the information we have uncovered so far that absolutely refutes their claims and assurances that our community, our health, our well-being and the environment will be safe from the effects of silicon smelting.
It appears to a great many of us that they are simply interested in raking in profits and have virtually no stake, no interest and no real concerns at all for what happens to this community. If this is all true - how can this be good for any of us in this corner of the world? Are we about to be wiped out by more industrialists?
Our community is about to be devastated by a nuclear blast and it would be good for us all to really know who this "neighbor" is that keeps trying to come here and what they really represent.
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