Canadian smelter not responsible for air pollution in U.S.
The important take-away information is that Canada widely pollutes their own land, and that is pretty much what we can expect down here too from them. They are not committed to clean air, clean water or clean soil at all. The exact opposite is true.Kalispel Tribe opposing silicon smelter
Northport is just south of the Canadian border, but is being poisoned by emissions from this smelter, with lead and arsenic.
The Kalispel Tribe takes a strong stance against the proposed silicon smelter. These are the same emissions levels noted here on this blog. There will be more however, if their 4-stack, 4 subarc furnaces are all built (doubling the amounts, at least).Letter to Washington Governer Inslee from the Kalispel Tribe
Every point mentioned is correct. This is not a green technology, it is highly pollutive, energy intensive and does not result in any net environmental benefits. These are "greenwash" terms used to gloss over their real costs and effects.Counties, Cities and Towns Spot Zoning
The County will have to illegally "spot-zone" the selected site location - which has all kinds of precedents as being illegal.If they violate this, they can be challenged in court. The smart move is to simply deny HiTest permission to operate here, because it is a violation of the County Comprehensive Plan. And then there is still the illegal sale of the land by the County and the PUD that can still be nullified.
It is still stunning to me to think how far this has gone. It should have NEVER reached this point, and yet it has. There will be enormous push-back from this community against this toxic monster.
There is a meeting tomorrow, the very first one with the public (finally, also far outside of the requirements by State law) where the public can listen to the dog-and-pony show from HiTest Sands, and their cohorts in Washington, but you can also show up and voice your concerns.
It's time to tell them to stop. Stop the lies, the deceptions, the claims of "no knowledge", the deflection away from toxic emissions, pollutants, health effects and environmental damage. Bring the Silicon Smelter Fact Sheet with you. Do not let them destroy this community.
6 pm November 29th, at the Newport High School, 1400 5th Street, Newport, Washington. Take 5th street all the way to the end. Expect a few thousand people to show up, so come early.
Great insight and analogy of what's been going on! Your the only source as of date who been reporting the real facts and truths on this matter, so thank you, Sir/madam? Our state representative, city council and local news sources have been in bed with HiTest Sands from day one! Yes your a bunch of liars and been caught with your hands in HiTest pants! My justice be served!
ReplyDeleteKalispel Tribe opposing silicon smelter
November 28, 2017 at 5:00 am |
It's time to kick some ass.
ReplyDeleteLike you said, dog and pony show...I won't waste my time, why listen to More Lies? Bunch of greasy, worthless Fuckstains.
ReplyDeleteBut you can bet your boots I'll be there for the lawsuits and give my full support!
Thank you for informing us of the facts. I wish papers and news outlets would. Why has it gone on this long you ask. Check how much money HiTest has to pay the Governor of Washington state over a period of time as stated in the Grant. So The Governor will benefit. Stop this smelter in pend Oreille County, newport wa.
ReplyDeleteWhat an outrage, thank you for sharing this info! I have been trying to find news on it for weeks now without much luck until I found this site. My family and I will definitely be attending the meeting to protest this tomorrow night! I am sharing with everyone I know.
ReplyDeleteThank you for you efforts. Are you aware that CANSS is not going to protest this meeting? It doesn't make any sense to me. They protested the other meetings, but not this one?
ReplyDeleteYes, I saw that. It's a tactical, strategic mistake. It sends out mixed messages to the community. It won't be the message they are hoping for. They're also allowing pro-smelter supporters take over their FB page, again. They're even allowing endorsement ads for that useless pig McDonald. I can't explain their errors or mistakes.
DeleteI am not willing to pull any punches here, I doubt very much that some people truly grasp the context of what is at stake here. We must be resolute, relentless and absolutely fearless to stand up against this monstrosity - and the stupid fools that are behind it.
This is a huge opportunity to make your voices heard, in unison - against the silicon smelter in your town. The media is supposed to be there too. Not taking advantage of this defeats the entire purpose of "citizens against Newport silicon smelter" in my opinion.
There is nothing HiTest or any other presenter can say or share that will change these facts:
1) Smelting operations are toxic, dangerous, pollutive and contribute to destruction of the environment, air, water, and soil.
2) Siting a smelter immediately above a densely populated town is just plain stupid. Within just two miles are a hospital, schools, nursing homes and many local residents.
3) Siting a smelter immediately adjacent to a major multi-state waterway is just plain stupid. Where do these people think these emissions will go? "Downwind"? How can that be good enough, for anyone?
4) Pretending that the "emissions limits" they are permitting for somehow "protects" the environment, human health and forest health ignores reality. You can't contribute any emissions and claim it protects anything. "Legalized" emissions are still toxic to living things.
5) Consistently ignoring, refusing, deflecting and trying to distract a deeply concerned public only makes these idiots looks worse and worse. Either they are obtuse, or just plain stupid. We do not want it. We will not accept it. We are not willing to trade a few paltry, toxic, unhealthy and dangerous jobs for the long-term affects to human health, and environmental degradation.
6) Industrializing a town like Newport is just plain stupid. This area does not lend itself to industry and never will. Access is limited, wintertime inversions and fog will make air pollution very bad. We can barely handle the problems with this now.
7) Demanding that just 1 company consume 140% of the electrical generation capacity of the entire area is absurd. There is no way that this will not have an enormous impact upon the entire area. Despite current rate agreements (which can and do get modified), we can expect higher rates, increased levels of pollution, lower property values and higher taxes to help pay for all this - for something we do not even want.
This is an opportunity for the pro-smelter supporters and industry advocates to try and change the true narrative (including ignoring all the illegal shenanigans they've pulled). This is not the time to "pull back and be polite", but the time to be heard, resolutely, loudly, clearly and without giving any quarter.
I agree! They "HiTest Sand" should be booed right out of that gym and out of our town along with our pathic excuse of city officials! They'll never be welcome, we didn't invite them etc, etc! Folks need to understand HiTest and are city official have been lying behind our backs from day one, and the Kalispel Tribe latest public notice was very telling about HiTest and our city official underhandedness to keep us all in the dark here, and prove it! So why place nice here with crooks and liars who are doing nothing but back paddling to correct what they've were supposed to do in the frist place "address the public!" IS NO SAFE SMELTER! Time get off the pot!
ReplyDeleteYou need to take a look at the problems Iceland has already had with their silicon smelter:
Thank you, I am familiar with this. When HiTest claimed that they were going to use the same plant design as this one, I knew we were all in serious trouble. But supposedly, they'll "do it better" despite never having done it at all.